Martial arts great for self-confidence of bully who now beats up nerds with blackbelts


SURREY — A local bully is crediting martial arts classes (taken by a bunch of dweebs at his school) as the source of a new found feeling of self-confidence.

Despite being experts in taekwondo, an activity they were told would improve their own self-confidence as well as self-defence skills, 14-year old Joey Castillo says that he can still easily beat-up any of his school’s dorks, but that now he feels better about it.

“I used to always be really down on myself even though I was the most feared kid in school,” Castillo said of his former struggles. “I thought, sure, I can beat all these weaklings but it’s not really making me happy.”

Castillo explained that the emptiness he felt from his bullying has nearly disappeared entirely since he became aware that these “weaklings” are actually highly trained and accomplished martial arts fighters.

“I don’t have to lie about who I’m beating up anymore and have never felt better,” Castillo said beaming in a way he never has before. “The same kids who I used to feel awful about stuffing in lockers because they were so helpless now make me feel like I’m really accomplishing something challenging.”

According to his parents, Castillo has never been more upbeat and full of life and they credit his entire transformation to martial arts classes.

“Now when he gets suspended, we know its not for preying on some defenseless kid,” Castillo’s father explained. “In fact he just got a three-day suspension for giving a wedgie to a 3rd-degree black-belt . . . we’ve never been so proud.”

While Castillo admits that, despite their training, none of his victims have ever actually fought back and that he’s pretty much just bullying in the same way he always has, he hasn’t let it stop his positive feeling towards himself.

“Just being able to say I beat up someone with a black belt puts a smile on my face,” Castillo concluded. “I feel like I could bully anyone now . . . well except for anyone who’s physically larger than me.”

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