University Briefs – March 18, 2013


UVIC student society expelled from CFS-BC

On March 9, the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) BC chapter voted to expel the University of Victoria Students’ Society (UVSS) from the federation, on the grounds of the UVSS not paying their fees, and having left the national CFS. The CFS-BC claims that fees totalling approximately $160,000 are in arrears, and date from an alleged underpayment over 10 years ago. The UVSS board denies that any membership fees are outstanding. This comes after a Supreme Court of BC ruling that UVSS’s decision to leave the national CFS did not automatically constitute leaving the BC chapter.

With files from The Martlet

Scholarship created for students with ADD/ADHD

A new scholarship funded by Shire Canada, a biopharmaceutical company, will target Canadian students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), to be introduced this fall semester. The scholarship will include financial support and a full year of ADHD coaching, and will be made available to students in Ontario, Alberta, and Quebec. The scholarship will go to five students, with a minimum of one student per province selected. In order to apply, students must be diagnosed by a physician and actively seeking treatment for the disorder.

With files from The Fulcrum

Laurier class preps students for precarious job market

A class at Wilfred Laurier University is prepping students for a rapidly changing job market. The course, entitled “Work and Cultural Industries,” teaches students about the increased reliance on freelance work in journalism and other creative industries.
Professor Greig de Peuter explained, “There’s a rapid level of growth of non-standard type jobs. They don’t come with the kind of benefits and security that many people enjoyed in the past.” Though many students are aware of the vastly fluid job market facing them once they leave post-secondary, not many are supplied the tools to deal with it.

With files from The Cord

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