Winner of ‘Your Face on a Milk Carton’ Contest Reported Missing


Local milk company regrets ‘unforgivable error’ of informing people about missing child

By Brad McLeod

SURREY— Popular dairy distributor, Dairyville, received some startling news this week after it was discovered that the recently announced winner of their “Get Your Face on a Milk Carton” contest hasn’t been seen in over three weeks. Billy McCreach, the 11-yearold boy that Dairyville described as having the “perfect combination of blue eyes and a tragic expression” has, unbeknownst to them, been registered as a missing child since last month.

“If we had known about this tragedy, we never would have gone on with the contest” explained Lou Rigsby, a representative for Dairyville. “We still have to take a vote on it, but if all goes to plan we will be recalling every single carton with his face on it before the end of the week.”

Although many have praised the milk company for attempting to quickly rectify the situation and do the right thing, they have also received their fair share of scrutiny from angry, lonely members of the public. “I think it’s downright terrible” said one man, presumably yelling, “They’re saying that the supple young boy on the cover of this milk carton I’ve been admiring all week is missing? And they didn’t even know about it? That’s disgusting.”

The company has also received some flak from the boy’s parents who say putting his face on the carton will put him in even greater danger. “The last thing we want is for his face to be plastered all over the city” cried McCreach’s mother Wanda, “who knows what kind of sicko might see it and want to harm our sweet, innocent missing child?”

Police are currently on the lookout for the young child, but say that the mass circulation of his likeness on a milk carton has made it extremely difficult. “We get calls every day from people saying that they’ve seen ‘the boy from the milk carton,’ ” explained Police Sgt. Bill Landowski, “and every time we have to explain to them that it’s not a missing child poster, it’s just a fun contest . . . they should really be looking for the childbased on the official description on our website, and stop wasting our time.”

While Dairyville has maintained that they believe their packaging is very clear in its display of a contest and not a missing child poster, they have expressed some additional regret in the untimely unveiling of their new slogan “Have You Seen Me?” which accompanies the photo.

“We understand why people are upset and we are doing everything in our power to correct it,” the Dairyville representative said in closing to the media. “By next week all traces of his existence on our milk cartons should be gone and the family can finally be left to search for him without the entire world having to be aware what he looks like.”

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