WGOG: Unpeelable oranges

Talk about a sticky situation

a pair of hands struggle to peel a mini orange
PHOTO: Toyakisfoto.photos / Adobe Stock

By: Hailey Miller, Staff Writer

Nothing irks me more than sitting down for a nice juicy snack of mini oranges and attempting to peel the unpeelable. Have you ever had those oranges that seem like the peel and the flesh are surgically attached? If I really wanted to eat the peel, I would’ve just thrown the entire orange into a blender and blended the living hell out of the pulp like adding some extra zing to a wellness shot. But no, the bitter peel flavour that can only be described as fragrant citrus meant solely as a potpourri isn’t exactly the mouthwatering taste I want in my mouth. 

I have to jab my thumb into the centre of it just to break the tough orange skin from the edge without avail. Just when I think I’ve hit the sweet spot and try to divide the sticky segments into the perfect bite-sized snack, the peel refuses to break up with the flesh. All I wanted was a treat that’d say “orange-you-glad-you-didn’t-eat-a-banana?” I really wish I would have at this point. 

Alas, I persist. My hands gnaw into the juicy goodness; fingers covered in pulp like a fruity crime scene. I’m embarrassingly caught red-handed with a mouthful of orange, unsuccessfully trying to dissect between pungent peel and fruity deliciousness. Yum! I become more bitter with every bitter taste. So, raise a segment to the mess of mini orange season — so sticky, sour, and savoury!

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