Bright-er Side: Early Christmas movie binges

Don’t say boo-humbug!

Illustration of a laptop and cup of hot chocolate on a desk in front of a window. Outside the window is green and yellow-orange foliage.
ILLUSTRATION: Yan Ting Leung / The Peak

By: Mason Mattu, Peak Associate

It’s November 1 at around midnight. You know it’s officially Christmas after seeing Mariah Careydefrost” on her socials. Ah, what a feeling. Instead of celebrating Christmas starting in November, there is indeed a select number of us who watch Christmas movies starting in . . . September. 

Oh, the sudden urge to wear an ugly Christmas sweater in the middle of the fall and to plan a Christmas Eve party for two months. 

For context’s sake, I am currently writing this article at the end of October. You will probably be reading this in the early to mid-November. At the time of my writing, I have already watched a dozen Christmas movies, made a Christmas to-do list, and created a plan to decorate my living space. 

And before you ask me — “Mason, did someone shake your snow globe too hard?” — the answer is no. Being the journalist I am, I always give the truth, and nothing but the truth. There is something absolutely beautiful about partaking in the Christmas experience in October. It is definitely scientifically proven (according to the Mason-metre) to make you more joyful, create lasting memories, and return a childhood spirit to your week.

It might be too late for you to join me in celebrating Christmas in September/October of this year, but promise me you will next year. I don’t want to hear boo-humbug! 

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