Bright-er side: Disabled queer solidarity

Community care makes the world go ‘round

Two people laughing and looking at a phone.
PHOTO: Hiki App / Unsplash

By: Olivia Visser, Opinions Editor

I’ve had many low points in my life, and during most of them I felt an unwavering sense of support from fellow disabled queers. From acts like offering free produce in a community group, to providing guidance when navigating the medical system, I’m so grateful for the support I know I can lean on when needed. 

Many disabled queer folks are well-acquainted with difficulties like poverty and healthcare barriers. We know what it’s like to suffer, and by extension we also know what it’s like to help. The support I’ve received from community members is not just something I dearly appreciate — it’s also made me a more giving person. 

When I have the capacity, I try to pay it forward. It’s heartwarming to know that something as small as gifted plushies or fidget toys makes someone’s day. Or, that a small e-transfer to help a disabled friend pay their rent keeps them housed. There is no act too small when you consider that kindness and solidarity adds up to something much more.

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