Meet the Pets of The Peak. Part 1

A dog with a black, white, and brown fur pattern lay in the grass alongside a grey cat with black stripes, in the background a forest.
PHOTO: Andrew S / Unsplash

By: The Peak staff

She’s a ten, but she pees when new people see her: Pancetta – Isabella Urbani, Staff Writer

A close-up photo of a dog's face.

Pancetta’s (also known as Pumpkin Pie Girl, and Pan of the Cetta) name means “bacon” in Italian — quite an appropriate name for a “meaty girl” as described by Isabella — and is about to turn two years old with her upcoming birthday on July 15. She starts her days waking up very early, usually on Isabella’s bed, then she makes her way to her Nonna’s house, where she plays with the water hose, and finally she ends it with belly scratches and the very important task of snoring Isabella to sleep.

Pancetta is quite the fearless doggo —she only barks when there’s a valid reason, such as someone arriving home — never at the vacuum, nor at the sight of a bath — although she sometimes gets anxious and pees when meeting new people. Pancetta’s attitude can be described as laid-back and affectionate. She rarely causes trouble and remains calm unless genuinely bothered. She doesn’t bark at other dogs or mind sharing her personal space with them — she only wants food and scratchies behind her eyes to be happy.


The old gal and the dynamic brothers: Nasha, Pinto, and Chacón – Michelle Young, Opinions Editor

A photo of two dogs, apparent Chihuaha race, one standing on their hind legs, the other one on all fours. Both are looking towards the camera.

Michelle has three puppies, and Nasha, oldest of the gang, has a daily routine centred around sleeping, eating, and mischievously avoiding taking her medication. Nasha is a clever gal: she either eats everything on her plate besides her pills, or she just spits them out later. Despite her occasional grumpiness, Nasha is a gentle and protective pup with a love for food, especially bananas, pumpkin, and blueberries. If Nasha had a TikTok account, it would undoubtedly be a foodie account, showcasing her culinary taste.

Next up are the five year old pups, Pinto and Chacón, both named after flamenco artists. The pair of dogs like to spend their days exploring outside and snuggling with each other under the sun. Pinto may act tough, but deep down, he’s a baby who craves cuddles and affection. On the other hand, Chacón seems to be a bit more chill, sticking his tongue out when relaxed and having a passion for hiding under blankets. According to Michelle, Chacón might have a thing for sensing ghosts, as he’s sometimes caught barking at the air. Pinto is a bit more mischievous, as he often runs off and chews on things he shouldn’t, and, according to Michelle, if you call for him, he’ll likely look at you and decide to ignore you. If the two brothers were to have a TikTok account, they would probably record their joint adventures exploring the natural world, maybe with some paranormal twist thanks to Chacón’s supernatural abilities.

Spotlight chaser and Grammy award winning artist: Phoenix – Kelly Chia, Editor-in-Chief and Phoenix’s Mother

A photo of a white dog, staring directly into the camera with their tongue sticking outThis six-year-old companion is named after Phoenix Wright, the video game attorney, and the mythical bird. He has been Kelly’s loyal friend since her first year of university. His daily routine consists of morning and evening walks, indulging in naps throughout the day, and interrupting Kelly’s meetings to ensure he doesn’t miss out on the spotlight. He’s also a Grammy-award winning artist, expressing his disapproval in the songs of his people whenever he’s left behind while Kelly goes out. 

Phoenix is a bundle of nerves! He gets spooked by various things, including linoleum floors, fireworks, and any unfamiliar noises. Despite being an anxious little man, he still loves to approach everyone, and will get mad — and express it in a very loud manner — if said approach is not reciprocated. Bravely, he is only mildly perturbed by the household Roomba. Like Chacón, Phoenix may also have a knack at spotting the supernatural, but will understandably choose to hide rather than bark. If Phoenix were to have a TikTok account, he would grumble about the heat, criticize the quality of his treats, and would occasionally just sniff at the camera, just for funsies. 

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? . . . It’s Kal the superdog! – Jaymee, Promotions and Social Media Coordinator

A beige dog lying in what appears to be a bed staring into the cameraKal’s name, short for Kal-el, Superman’s Kryptonian name, came from a compromise between Jaymee’s dad, who originally wanted to name him Superman, and the rest of the family who didn’t want to name him Superman. Kal has been a part of the family since he was eight weeks old. Now, eight years later, he’s still an integral member. Kal follows a well-structured daily routine that starts with waking up, going to the bathroom, and enjoying breakfast. He then takes a nap, goes for a walk, has playtime, and eagerly waits for everyone to return home. In the evening, he either heads to the dog park or goes for another walk, followed by dinner and a bathroom break before settling down for sleep.

One of Kal’s endearing quirks is his love for howling, which his family affectionately describes as being talkative. Although generally fearless, Kal, like a lot of dogs, fears the vacuum cleaner and dogs that are much bigger and fluffier than him. If Kal had a TikTok account, he would surely share content on how to convince owners to provide more treats to their pets. He’s so friendly, Jaymee is convinced that if someone were to break into their home, Kal would befriend them rather than attack them.

Have a break, play with KitKat the cat – Nancy La, On-Call News Editor

A brown and orange striped cat lying in a gray couchFinally, our first cat: Kitkat! This six-year-old cat already had his name when Nancy adopted him 18 months ago — she has the suspicion it’s likely because his fur resembles the popular chocolate bar. He enjoys having breakfast at 7 a.m. then ventures outside to hide in the bush in front of their house until noon. After lunch, he hides again, possibly in a different bush, until it’s dinner time. In the evening, he either continues his hideout in a bush or spends time with his feline best friend from the neighborhood.

Kitkat weighs 20lbs so Nancy requires both arms to pick him up, kinda like playing a claw machine game. He’s very friendly, and has already made a couple of kitty friends in the neighbourhood, but, despite him being friendly and an outdoor cat, Kitkat dislikes cars and other motor vehicles. His TikTok account would mostly be POV videos of him hiding in the bushes and engaging in playful moments with his best friend from the neighborhood.

I am Groot: Otis Groot Jassal – Saije Rusimovici, Staff Writer

A brown dog sitting on a chairSaije found her love for dogs after spending so much time with Otis Groot Jassal, her three-year-old canine. Otis has a laid-back daily routine that revolves around pure relaxation. After enjoying his breakfast, he spends most of his time lounging around the house. Whether it’s in his cozy bed or basking in the warm sun on the patio, his main goal will always be comfort, and popcorn — Otis loves popcorn. While Otis may not be a fan of walks, Saije suspects he’s only picky about the location as he had an hour-long adventure at White Rock. 

Saije would only change Otis’ dislike for wearing clothes, as she would love to dress him up in cute costumes. Like many dogs, Otis dislikes firecrackers, although his curiosity sometimes overrides his fear, leading him to investigate the source of the noise. If Otis had a TikTok account, it would be full of the fun days he spends with his aunty. Otis is truly a distinguished pup who knows how to be pampered and make his desires known, especially when he isn’t a happy puppy in the moment.


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