Horoscopes: November 14–19

Discover your inner superpower!

An illustration of a girl with long flowing hair. Astrological signs and stars shine around her.
ILLUSTRATION: Marissa Ouyang / The Peak

By: Hana Hoffman, SFU Student


You woke up feeling tired, it’s just one of those days. But remember that energy-boosting mushroom item you had the last time you played Mario Kart? Yes, it’s still in your possession because you didn’t use it during that race! Now’s a good time to use it. Always keep an energy item in your pocket because you never know when it will come in handy.

P.S. the energy item is not four shots of espresso


Whatever it is you want to do, whether it’s picking up a new hobby or acing your next assignment, just know you’ve got the power in you. You’ve been daydreaming about a new talent you want to learn, we all know it. So go and chase that dream before your responsibilities start chasing you!


Maybe you have days when you doubt yourself too much, or you underestimate your intelligence and skills. Well, let me tell you something. Take this invisible reverse card from this page. Yes, you have the power to see invisible things. Now keep this reverse card in your pocket and you’ll see all your fears and doubts transform into confidence.


Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day. This whole time you’ve been believing that you have control over the weather, but this was actually a misunderstanding. The truth is you have control over whether you get good or bad grades in your school work. Don’t get the “weathers” mixed up!


Two, four, six, eight, who do we appreciate? Leo! Your special skill is being able to keep your cool even through busy times, and we want to let you know that you’re awesome. You totally have the “Keep Calm and Study On” vibe that everyone loves. Keep it up!


If you don’t already know, you’re a very nice person. Being kind is your special talent and you’ve been using it to conquer all the challenges, obstacles, and stress you’ve been facing in your studies. That’s right, you’ve been killing ‘em with kindness.


A cool fact about you is that you are immune to procrastination. But ONLY if you switch your morning routine with your night time routine. So that means watching TV and doing all of your homework when you wake up, and chugging down a banana milkshake while packing your backpack before you go to bed. Either that, or you’ll have to get the procrastination eliminator vaccine.


Let me tell you a little something . . . Everyone has been telling you that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But for Scorpio, there’s also different fruit that keeps the feelings of stress and negativity away. The only way to find out is by trying various fruits to figure out which one does the magic for you.


On this gigantic planet with over seven billion civilians, there’s only one of you. Therefore, with your uniqueness you have the super power to stand out and be that eye-catcher in all your classes, interviews, social groups, and more. Keep being yourself and let the opportunities find you.


An interesting fact about you, Capricorn, is you have the superpower of getting things done speedy like Sonic the Hedgehog. However, the rule of thumb to activate this power is to get eight hours of sleep. Seems worth it to me!


‘Tis the season to take advantage of your superpower. You are the only horoscope to be resilient from the rainy weather that non-Aquarians can’t stand. While everyone else gets moody and sleepy whenever it’s raining outside, you’ll have the ability to keep the same energy and enthusiasm during all the activities you have planned for the day.


When phones are low on battery, they can recharge by connecting to a portable charger. When Pisces are low on energy, they can recharge by connecting to a set of headphones and listening to their go-to motivation playlist. Pretty neat, eh?

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