Council Corner Tuesday, May 14

Notes from the latest GSS Council meeting

Chris Ho/The Peak

By: Ana Staskevich, Staff writer

Graduate Council brings forth issues surrounding the coffee machine funding

Nicholas Page, director of graduate services, recommended a decreasing subsidy approach to counter the per-cup costs of providing free coffee in the Graduate Student Society (GSS) lounge.

Staff have determined that the cost per cup fluctuates based on users, where less users meant higher costs and vice versa.

The next step will be to develop proposals for a new service delivery mode as, according to staff, the cost per cup is at least $1, which is significantly higher than anticipated. Council is still discussing how to alter the servicing of the coffee in order to reallocate some of the $22,500 currently used for coffee toward other programs. Page asked for feedback that had already been gathered from caucuses to be e-mailed to him.

Graduate student housing project at UniverCity

Sibo Chen, a GSS member, brought to Council’s attention the upcoming development of graduate student housing in UniverCity.

While the project is still underway, Chen proposed the possibility of the GSS getting involved in order to potentially oversee the management of the housing when completed. It was noted that this management could operate under a residential college model similar to that of the University of British Columbia’s Green College. Council may be looking for ways to initiate discussion of their involvement to the university administration.

U-Pass referendum and challenges

Page announced that the GSS has been in contact with SFU regarding a joint information campaign after the 20% against-vote on the U-Pass Referendum. The campaign would aim to inform people of the benefits that TransLink provides that go beyond bus service.

Graduate Council resolved to appoint Stephanie Yu, GSS administrative assistant, as secretary of Council.

Learning Together Conference, organized by SFU Faculty of Education graduate students and faculty, to be held on May 25, 2019.

A free drop-in sports program for graduate Students, Graduate Sports, to start on June 7, 2019 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

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