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                                                       Harbour Centre

vancouverOn January 26, noted academics and researchers Alexandru Balasescu and Apurv Jain will present the lecture “Financial Bubbles and their Magic: Asset Price as a Heroic Journey in the Financial Markets” at Harbour Centre.

The lecture will use examples of human behaviour, mythology, and economic models to explain why financial crises happen when they do.


Andrew Nikiforuk, investigative journalist and author of Slick Water, will present at the Djavad Mowafaghian Cinema at the Goldcorp Centre for the Arts on January 28.
He will speak about the environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing, a method for extracting crude oil from the ground. Nikiforuk will draw on the 20 years he has spent covering Canada’s energy sector and will look at specifically what how “fracking” could trigger seismic activity.

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