Woohoo, Boohoo

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Woohoo: Poutine

Nothing says satisfaction like fresh cut fries, blanched and cooked to crispy perfection, sided with squeaky cheese curds and hot gravy in one big bowl. What looks like cheese and gravy chaotically tossed into a dish actually sings a quiet harmony if you listen closely. Delicious flavor aside, no one has ever finished a poutine and claimed to still be hungry. Can you ask any more of a meal?

Certainly Quebec has given the rest of Canada a few things to groan about, but all is forgiven when we consider this glorious gift.

There is no limit to the power this fine food holds. World peace is only one international poutine party away.

I tip my hat to you Quebec! Sincerest thanks.

Boohoo: Putin

If there is one political leader that stands out from the rest as being a massive pain in the world’s diplomatic ass, it’s this guy.

He tries to fool us with some of his quirky stunts, like the time he dressed up as a bird and flew a hang glider south to take endangered cranes for their first ever migration, but that won’t distract us for long from his terrible human rights record — most recently being his “straight pride flag” that was launched (‘coincidently’) days after the US Supreme court ruled in favor of same sex marriage.

But what can you expect from a man who was formerly part of the KGB?

You didn’t read that wrong, Putin was indeed part of the KGB, a fact some Russians must certainly find mildly disturbing.

Maybe the cold Russian winters have him feeling bitter, but if you ask me, what this man needs is a good ol’ bowl of poutine and maybe a big Canadian gay kiss to help him start feeling the love.

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