University Briefs

Photo courtesy of Bustle

Violent video games make women feel sexier

[SYDNEY, AUS] — A recent study conducted at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) Australia has established a link between the reasons people choose to playing violent video games and their sexual desires.

Test subjects were asked to give themselves a “mate value,” rating their potential as a romantic and sexual partner.

Both females and males who played more violent video games were more interested in sex. There was no connection between the perceived “mate value” and the number of violent video games played by males, however, “women who played violent video games more thought of themselves as a better catch than those who played them less.”


Northwestern University censors essay on nurse sex

[EVANSTON, USA] — An essay titled “Head Nurses,” published in Atrium, a bioethics magazine edited by Northwestern faculty members, sparked controversy that led to the temporary removal of the online edition, and the potential termination of the publication.

The essay, written by Syracuse University professor William Peace, talked about receiving oral sex from a nurse while he was hospitalized due to a spinal cord injury.

“I did not think that it would cause such a giant controversy, that it would take down the entire issue for 14 months and maybe the magazine permanently,” commented Peace.

With files from The Daily Northwestern


Cross sex in the library off your bucket list

[CARDIFF, UK] — A student at Cardiff University is encouraging others to attempt something he’s crossed off his bucket list: a roll in the hay with a fellow student in the quiet corners of the library.

The Tab article noted, “Indeed, this kind of act probably happens more than many, including the uni staff, like to think [. . .] Consider the veritable bounty of out-of-sight, out-of-mind corners in our libraries, where all sorts of naughty things may be happening.”

With files from The Tab


Oregon State University sex column cancelled after 15 years

[CORVALLIS, USA] — Public health and human sciences professor Dr. Kathy Greaves will no longer be publishing her weekly column, “Dr. Sex,” in The Daily Barometer.

The column is being cancelled due to the negative responses she received, undermining her professional and expert opinion: “This year, the comments have been particularly biting.”

In her parting column, Greaves explained that her main goal was to provide the students with a comprehensive sexual education, “acknowledging the existence of behaviors beyond the obvious and the stereotypical.”

With files from The Daily Barometer

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