Point/Counterpoint: Society can only function through reasonable, civilized discussion vs. Fuck you!


Point: Society can only function through reasonable, civilized  discussion

By Todd Pollard
Concern Citizen 

Now, I might be old fashioned, but I believe that in order to maintain a healthy society we need to share and discuss our ideas in a civilized way. If we could all just give each other equal opportunity to communicate in reasonable and rational terms, I think that we wouldn’t have all the problems we’re facing today.

In this modern world, everyone seems to just want to interact with loud slogans and meaningless rhetoric. Debates these days are nothing more than incoherent chants like “we shall overcome” or “my body, my choice,” and then nothing changes. Back in my time, we used to really discuss the issues, and no decisions were made until the voice of every single white man was heard.

Even giant international conflicts could be solved if countries would just stop all the name-calling and actually talked out their issues politely. Why are Israel and Palestine even fighting? I mean, there must be some common ground between them. Now, I don’t claim to have all the answers or anything; far from it. But that’s what’s great about having civilized discussions.

I’m just one voice whose ideas can be built upon by other members of the community until our society is made better, but it can only happen if our discussions stay civil. There’s no telling what humanity can do if we all communicate in a polite, intelligent manner.


Fuck You!

By Anonymous
Internet Toughguys

Hey fuckface, go fuck yourself, you fucking dumb . . . fuck.

Your entire argument was bullshit. Why the hell should anyone listen to you? You think you know everything? Who fucking cares what “Todd Pollard:  Concerned Citizen” thinks about anything. You’re not important. You’re not qualified to have an opinion.

People really should be reading what I have to say. I’m Anonymous: I could be anyone, like the president or an astronaut or something. You’re just some asshole who wants “reasonable and civilized discussion,” well you know what? That’s never going to happen . . . at least not as long as the fucking Jews and Lizard Men are controlling the world.

Do you really think that one person stating an idea and then another person responding to it is ever going to solve problems? No one is ever going to waste their time with that point / counterpoint shit. You seriously think that anyone will actually take time out of their day to respond to your stupid thoughts? No way is anyone that fucking pathetic. And not everyone even deserves to have an equal voice. I mean why should someone who actually has a pretty valid argument be treated with the same value as some clueless, moronic lunatic?

Anyways, in conclusion: you’re wrong about everything, you’re a total loser that everyone hates, 9/11 never happened (it was filmed in a Hollywood studio) and . . . fuck you.



By Brad McLeod

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