Boy sues WikiHow for failing to get him out of the friend zone

The lawsuit demands $2.5 million in “emotional and mental” damages


Written by Vivien Ying Qi Li, SFU Student

WikiHow, a website infamous for its informative articles on first-world problems, is currently getting sued for providing “false and misleading” information. 

Bryce Lee, 23, filed a lawsuit against the multimillion-dollar company last Monday after one of its articles called “How to Escape the Friend Zone” failed to help him do that very thing. According to the lawsuit, Lee, who had been stuck in the friend zone for four years, had decided to turn to WikiHow for advice. 

WikiHow did successfully get Lee out of the friend zone. Unfortunately, the “falsified information disseminated by the alleged guide” led him out of said friend zone and straight into a restraining order.

“I did everything the website told me to,” says Lee. “I waited outside her house every morning, called her twice a day, and broke the touch barrier just like Wiki said to do. This is total bullshit!”

Lee’s case seems to be just one among many. Throughout the years, the friend zone has housed millions of horny, self-proclaimed “nice guys” worldwide. 

“I’m glad someone is finally taking action over this atrocity,” one self-identified victim told The Peak, when asked about his thoughts. “WikiHow is such a scammer, but honestly, girls like that are even bigger scammers. These girls expect us to — what? Listen to their problems? Watch movies with them? Buy them coffee? Show basic human morality and decency? All while they’re off with some other dude . . . ridiculous. 

“Who are they to treat nice guys like us like that? It’s just unfair.”

This WikiHow lawsuit has caused quite a stir in the community, as males from all around the world continue speaking up about their own experiences with the friend zone. Twitter has been blowing up for the last week, as the hashtags #imaniceguy and #stopleadinginnocentmenon continue trending. 


My female friend keeps breathing in my general direction every time we talk. When I asked her out though, she said she only saw me as a friend. WTF #imaniceguy #stopleadinginnocentmenon

While some users took to the hashtags to express their sadness, others were furious. Tweets included claims that “nice guys always finish last” and that it wasn’t fair how they never got “what was owed” to them.

Lee, meanwhile, argues that he is owed $2.5 million as compensation for the “emotional and mental trauma caused.” A hearing on the matter has yet to be scheduled. 

The Peak will continue to cover this issue in future articles.

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