What grinds our gears: People recording videos of their daily drive

Photo by Airman 1st Class Elizabeth Baker / U.S. Air Force

Written by: Yasmin Khalili, SFU Student

I enjoy watching Instagram stories from time to time, especially to start the day. Your morning cup of joe aesthetically placed beside the newspaper you never read? Almost cute. Birds’-eye view from your waist down showing your shoes and pants of the day? OK. Picture of the wild roses in front of your house? Why not.

Filming your drive up the mountain to SFU, while you divide your attention between testing your ability to take a non-shaky video with one hand, and swerving unseeingly on the road with the other? Not cool.

Really, your daily drive is not that interesting. Save that concentration and mind power for when you can take your next dog-filter selfie once you’ve made it to campus in one piece, without running anyone over. Or you could save the energy to work on your next co-op job application, whichever is more pressing in your life.

Whatever you do with your saved-up photo energy, just stop putting yours and others’ lives at risk for a shaky and unexciting five-second video of your drive. Your followers are going to be watching your story with no volume and half their attention anyway.

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