The Peak Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – April 21


Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

April 21, 2016

Hub Restaurant

Chair: Max Hill

In Attendance:

  • Maia Odegaard (Board Secretary, non-voting)
  • Max Hill (Editor-in-Chief)
  • Tamara Connor (Collective Rep)
  • Kevin Rey (Collective Rep)
  • Thadoe Wai (At-large Rep)


  • MuhammadQasim Dewji (Employee Rep)
  • Call to Order


  • Approval of Agenda


  • Approval of past minutes from March 15, 2015


  • Financial update


Maia to present the state of the Society’s finances through March 2016 (see appendix A)

  • Investment update


Maia to present the state of the Society’s investment portfolio through March 2016 (see appendix B)

  • Pay increase for editorial team


The board will discuss raising the salary of editorial team members to adjust for inflation and as a result of increased expectations.

  • Adjustment of job descriptions


The board will discuss slight adjustments to job descriptions, including finalizing the web editor job descriptions and clarifying overtime pay, web producer/digital strategist role as it relates to web editor, etc.

  • Leaving InMotion Hosting


The current hosting company we are using for our website is at the root of all the problems we’ve had this past year and their customer service is subpar. The board shall discuss the merits of switching service providers.

  • News Editor and Associate News Editor stipend

Tamara to present a proposal submitted to the board from the News team.

  • Adjournment



Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

March 15, 2016

The Peak offices

Chair: Max Hill

In Attendance:

  • Maia Odegaard (Board Secretary, non-voting)
  • Max Hill (Editor-in-Chief)
  • Tamara Connor (Collective Rep)
  • Kevin Rey (Collective Rep)
  • MuhammadQasim Dewji (Employee Rep)
  • Nathan Ross (Guest)
  • Christy Lum (Guest)
  • Jessica Whitesel (Guest)


  • Thadoe Wai (At-large Rep)
  • Call to Order 4:34 p.m.


  • Approval of Agenda


Approval of past minutes from February 16, 2015




  • Financial update


Maia presented the Society’s finances through February 2016 (see appendix A)


  • Web News Editor Proposal


Nathan Ross proposed a pilot Web News Editor position to replace the current Associate News Editor for a period of one year beginning summer semester 2016, to be reviewed by the Board at the third meeting each semester, and up for a final review at the end of the spring 2017 semester. The position will have a slightly higher pay stipend and will work in tandem with a Print News Editor to ensure a web-first focus for news at SFU.

BIRT the Board temporarily dissolve the Associate News position effective summer 2016.

All in favour

BIFRT we implement the role of Web News Editor with the attached job description, pending changes made by a task force comprised of Nathan Ross, Max Hill, Tamara Connor, and Kevin Rey.

All in favour


  • Layout assistant stipend and job description update


Layout Assistant Christy Lum presented a request on behalf of her and Gabriel Yeung, asking that they receive additional pay in the amount of $975 each for the work they have been doing over the semester. The board discussed the need for assignments to be better distributed amoung members of the production team and that their job descriptions be amended to reflect a no paid overtime clause to prevent this situation from recurring.

BIRT the two layout assistants are retroactively awarded $650 each to reflect and additional $50 per week for all 13 weeks.


All in favour


  • Camera repair quote and update from Lisa


Tamara presented the quote to the Board at $230 to repair the damaged camera and it was less than the cost of a new camera, therefore it was approved.


All in favour

  • News Editor and Associate News Editor stipend


Motion tabled until further notice.

  • Features Editor stipend and job description update


BIRT Tamara be retroactively awarded an additional $50 for each week of the semester based on the fact that she has been doing the work of a full-time editor, and the Features Editor formerly received $300 per week.

Kevin/Thadoe (via proxy)

All in favour

  • Appointment of board representative for hiring panel


The hiring board for The Peak’s upcoming summer semester will be comprised of Max Hill, Maia Odegaard, and Nick Bondi.

No vote

  • In-camera session


Tamara and Kevin to speak to complaints launched against a collective member.

  • Adjournment 7:15 p.m.



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