Board Shorts


SFSS backs transit referendum

At the latest SFSS Board of Directors’ meeting, the board moved to officially support the ‘yes’ vote on the upcoming Metro Vancouver transit referendum.

The referendum, if passed, would fund plans to improve transit infrastructure, including some projects that would provide better service to SFU students.

President Chardaye Bueckert noted that the SFU gondola from Production Way is no longer a part of the recommendations made by the improvement plan.

The society also decided to endorse the Better Transit and Transportation Coalition pledge, which reads, “One of the most important decisions facing Metro Vancouver for the next generation is the 2015 Referendum on transit, transportation, and goods and people movement.

“A positive outcome is a crucial step to expand transportation options, reduce pollution, improve the health of our communities, strengthen our economy, and help make this region a more affordable place to live.”


Council Stipend increase

By recommendation of the SFSS Finance and Administrative Services Committee (FASC), the board moved to increase the line item for the council’s stipend by $5075 to accommodate four additional meetings.

The funds will come out of the society’s unrestricted surplus.

VP Finance Adam Potvin suggested implementing a policy to cap the amount of council meetings in the future, saying, “There’s theoretically nothing stopping council from meeting everyday.”

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