Board Shorts


CMYK-Last Word Burnaby Mountain Park-Josh NV-Flickr

New recreational facilities on the mountain

President Humza Khan brought to the board’s attention that SFU is planning for an off-campus organization to build a recreational facility on Burnaby campus which would include a pool, a gym, a racquetball court, “and other fun areas.”

“The plan is to get this third party organization to come and build these facilities. In order to pay for these facilities, SFU will be leasing out a certain portion of the land they have for up to 60 years to this organization,” said Khan.

An educational institution with the power to grant degrees would be built on this land. Community outreach on this initiative began last Monday, with a survey sent out to students for feedback.

Student Union Building Space Program approved

The board approved the Student Union Building (SUB) Space Program presented by Marc Fontaine, Build SFU general manager. The space program is expected to be approximately 90 per cent correct at this stage, with minor revisions possible in the future.

The plans include allotted space for eight student organizations, programs or unions, a coffee shop, and two games lounges which would include gaming pods and billiards tables.

Board members brought up concerns about the plans for a club workspace, as many previously thought that an industrial hackspace for large projects was in the works. However, the plans specify that there will be no industrial tools or equipment in the space.

“There have been lots and lots of suggestions, some of which I think are crazy and not realistic, and some that are realistic,” Fontaine said. “I’m satisfied that by making some kind of messy room or workshop that has a industrial floor, enough electricity, probably ventilation, and some sort of tables or workbenches, there will be time in the future to figure out how to operate it.”

Artists and date confirmed for spring concert

Business representative Brandon Chapman confirmed to the board last Monday that April 4 had been selected as the official date for the spring concert.

The events committee is pursuing a liquor license approval for the event, which Chapman is confident will be obtained.

Khan also informed the board that they had selected headliners for the concert, to be disclosed to The Peak on Friday before press time.


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