Ask Regular Gary


This week’s Peak Humour took a turn for the Serious. With serious results!

Dear Gary,

I’ve had a mess of trouble with my garden lately. I was only able to get my cucumbers planted last week and just yesterday some kind of cat or raccoon broke in my yard and tore down all my trellises. There go my long beans for the season. Most recently, I caught these nasty black globs (slugs!) crawling their way towards what’s left of my vegetable patch. What am I supposed to do now?



Abby Berman from North Burnaby



Dear Abby,

Slugs, eh? Well I don’t really do any gardening per se, but I guess you could always just pick them out of your garden.  With some rubber gloves and like a bucket, then you could pour them down a storm drain. I wouldn’t recommend cutting them up, they might be like worms and by cutting them up you could just be making more of them.

I remember seeing on TV that if you leave a Tupperware container with half a can of beer out, the slugs climb and drown themselves. I don’t know if it has to be the Tupperware brand, but you’re better safe than sorry.  Ooh, and salt. I definitely know that they don’t like salt, it causes them to dissolve. So maybe try sprinkling some of that on your plants. All in all, you’re probably better off Googling it.


Hope that helps!


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