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The kids aren’t alright


By Cameron Welch

KELOWNA, B.C. (CUP) — Teenagers are awful. I have no idea why we as ‘young adults’ would want to be associated with them. Looking back at teen-dom, I don’t really like anything about it. In fairness, I don’t like anything about most ages, or people, or things, but teens are noticeably terrible.

It’s not like I’m one of those geezers who goes on about kids today and their Face-books and their rap music and their skateboarding and their Fruit By The Foot and their Pokeymans and their Gossip Girls and their X-Box Lives and their LeBron James and their Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn: Part One and their Call Of Duty Modern Warfare and their The OC and their Anger Birds and their mountain bicycles and their You-Tubes and their My-Spaces and their Beanie Babies and their baggy pants and their tight pants and their Britney Spears and their rollerblades and their cyber bullying and their Pizza Pops and their sweat-wicking technology and their who-hoobers and their clam-tinkers and their floo-floobers and all the noise, noise, noise!

Still, I can’t help but shake my head whenever I see anyone between 11 and 17. I’m sure my generation was nowhere near that bad. Of course, you don’t really notice what kids are like when you are one. Meanwhile, some types of wacky youth behaviour have been observable for ages: Bieber Fever is hardly any different from Beatlemania or any other teen-idol craze.

So I’m trying to figure out if kids today are actually more tasteless, more self-centred, more ignorant, more annoying, or more generally awful than they were five years ago (or 15, or 50), or if it’s just my imagination.


What’s worse?

Obviously, young people aren’t any biologically different than they used to be, so any explanation for a difference in kids today will be tied to cultural or technological shifts. I should give some examples of why I dislike yoots so much lately.

There are plenty of specific little things. Just in terms of visuals, teens can be pretty heinous: LBs wear about thirteen different bright colours in one outfit, while LGs think it’s okay to wear furry Snooki mukluks with denim jackets with hoop earrings with ripped leggings with Lululemon with a side-shave haircut and don’t realize that this is like mixing oil and water or dividing by zero.

There are numerous other things that teens like and I hate — Uggs, dubstep, fake tans, Dane Cook — but I know perfectly well that more people than teens like that stuff too.

The real problem I have with the youngsters is not really with particular objects and symptoms, but with what the whole mess seems to represent. But I’ll get to that in a bit.


What got better?

First, I should give credit where credit is due. Here are some things that I think have improved about youth culture in the past year or two:

The whole Disney purity-core thing seems to be on the downswing. I’m no fan of sleaziness and sluttiness, but I definitely feel that if you’re a teenager the point is to rebel a bit and challenge the boring socially accepted conservative order. It seems unnatural for teenagers to think being goody two-shoes (shoeses?) is cool. I’d rather see hesh skate rats blasting Odd Future than identical, inoffensive middle-of-the-road Stepford kids smiling along to the JoBros.

What else? I did think kids were probably less homophobic than they used to be, but Rick Mercer tells me otherwise.


When does cool get claimed?

I can’t help but feel that it’s a waste and a lost opportunity every time something comparatively classy and interesting becomes incorporated into the youth mainstream in a superficial, neutered form. Maybe you think I’m just being a textbook hipster, feeling revulsion the second something I like goes mainstream.

Yet I think there’s a legitimate point behind that revulsion. Accepting something alternative and critically well-regarded into the mainstream should be a triumphant discovery, providing ‘the masses’ with a chance to show that they’re more intelligent, more tasteful, more human than marketers have treated them. Instead of this result we see the mainstream defanging and corrupting a quality text and placing it alongside inferior products — without indicting the legitimacy of those products by comparison — it is understandably a failure of the critically lauded text’s potential to do substantial, positive cultural work.

It’s a convenient fiction among plenty of people that the masses — teens especially — are duped by marketing and availability into liking shitty things. If they were only exposed to the good stuff, we lament, then music/movies/TV wouldn’t be so terrible. This does have some truth to it — labels and studios push whatever is the easiest and the surest bet to sell. But we have a wonderful internet where people have plenty of opportunity to look up a huge percentage of all the digital entertainment being created in the world.

There’s only so much we can blame radio, print, and TV as those mediums become increasingly less relevant and no longer hold a monopoly over content transmission. There are certainly successes — Adele, acclaimed cable TV shows like Mad Men and Breaking Bad, those TED Talk things that white people love. But I think, to some extent, people — especially young ones — just don’t want ‘the good stuff’. People like the mild, cheap high of shallow or simple entertainment and culture.

There’s nothing wrong with that — in moderation. The problem is that taking the easiest option every time, like always just giving the old teeth a half-assed light brushing, eventually builds up into a problem of unhealthy teeth. Plaque, gingivitis, cavities. Literal bad taste. So you go grab Listerine, floss, and fancy toothpaste — but if you employ those just as half-heartedly and superficially as you did the brushing in the first place, your teeth may look a bit better, but you still don’t have a healthy mouth or healthy oral habits.

In fact, with youth it’s more like they’re merely slapping on some Whitestrips. What I’m saying is that teens appear to be getting better — more cultured, less obnoxious, less vapid — but it’s just a superficial illusion. They aren’t engaging with what particular classier, more-legit things represent — they’re merely appropriating the trappings, the symptoms, the signs. This fools us and themselves into thinking they’ve improved, and we can abandon the issue. Everyone can happily convince themselves that kids aren’t soulless, artistically barren computer jockeys.


What caused the change?

I’ve obviously been generalizing in this article. I know that there are plenty of awesome youngsters, and that there’s a huge variety among teenagers — just as there is among any group of people — but there’s no denying that there are general trends we can see among this particular age cohort and subculture. It comes back to the question of what exactly is it that has made kids today any different from their predecessors? The most obvious answer is technology. However, it’s simplistic and often ridiculous when people directly blame things like Facebook. The fault is not in our screens, but in ourselves.

In Marc Prensky’s 2001 article “Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants” he explains that people under a certain age are natives of the digital era, while older folks are immigrants clinging to old ways, or “languages”. As a result, the two exhibit strikingly different behaviour, learning patterns, and even brains.

Technology simply allows us to do more things, and when we have more options, we are more free to pursue whatever appeals to us most. The Internet allows people to curate their experiences, eliminating what they dislike and engaging with only what they like. Paradoxically, the web’s onus on the consumer to find their own entertainment and information results in it enabling users to insulate themselves from alternative choices just as much as it exposes them to those.

When we have the ability to constantly be presented with only what we like, there is no incentive to search high and low for new interests or to engage especially deeply with even your pre-existing interests — why put the investment into reading anything in depth when there’s always a next thing waiting for you to skim?

I talked to UBC critical theory professor George Grinnell about these issues, and he explained that this resistance to patient critical thinking extends further than just your average 15-year-old kid.

“I do believe that now, more than ever,” he said, “[we in our culture] need to exercise what Nietzsche calls ‘slow reading’ or what so many of my students identify as the alienating experience of thinking patiently and seriously about culture and its work upon us. One need look no further than the sort of blow-hard ‘journalism’ of cable news to see how aggressively thought and reflection is discouraged.”

Grinnell also pointed out the tricky premises we’re operating under: we’re postulating that youth are relevantly different now than they were, in some way, and we are grouping individuals by age to the point of ignoring other factors like class. He suggested that the instant-gratification desire is prevalent throughout our society, though we see it perhaps most readily in youth.

“I am reminded of Zizek’s comment that ‘enjoy yourself’ has become one of the overweening imperatives of Western culture for us now,” Grinnell said.

Zizek also theorizes that in ideology, “[people] know what they are doing, and yet still they are doing it.” People recognize certain problems with the dominant ideology but continue to participate in it. It seems likely that most young people today recognize that plenty of entertainment is crass, unimpressive, and low-quality. People no longer love and approve of the majority of texts they are engaging with, but don’t have enough of a problem with it to rebel against it — which, I have to admit, is fair enough.


What was it replaced with?

Meanwhile, quality simply isn’t necessary in the essentialized contemporary world of entertainment. Content in verses is superfluous when people only come for the hook. In the article “The Party Track About Partying”, Nitsuh Ababe explains his reaction to the Black Eyed Peas: “The group is to pop music, roughly, what a Fisher-Price figurine is to a real human being . . . everything’s reduced to blank, rudimentary outlines, almost a placeholder for the original item. It’s like a simple pictographic representation of the pure idea of being someplace where there’s alcohol and people feel freaky and it’s time to party, et cetera.”

Producers have realized that any factor of a cultural product that does not directly improve its success enough to justify the necessary effort is unnecessary. If musical ability is not directly related the success of a product then the effort to produce that element of the product is extraneous and there is no incentive for it.

This factor, along with technology, suggests that it is not teens themselves that have changed so much as the context in which they are able to operate. They now have an avenue to be as lazy as they want, and to embrace talentless art and entertainment. Previous generations did not have the ability to do so, though they likely would have. When there were fewer options for entertainment, you really invested in the ones you found that you liked.

When you didn’t have something more gratifying at your fingertips, you had less of a problem with doing something somewhat boring for an hour or two. In terms of art/entertainment, it was simply that the early Beatles happened to be talented because that was necessary to make music at the time. The screaming girls weren’t there because they studied the early Beatles’ chord progressions.

The availability of gratification is much higher now, and the selling of cultural texts is more naked, essentialized and cynical, and together those create a context such that teens today have the ability to be ‘worse’ in a way that previous generations would have taken full advantage of if they had been in a similar environment.

UBC sociology professor Chris Schneider explained, “I don’t think it’s the youth, per se. I think it’s the conditions in which we all reside . . . and we don’t recognize those conditions.”


What was wrong?

So at the end of the day, what did turn out to be wrong with the youth? Well, they’re pretty entitled — which stems largely from their parenting. They like vapid things — because entertainment companies realized that quality has only ever been marginally necessary for a popular product. They don’t engage critically with things because, well, North American society in general doesn’t engage all that critically with things. They have no attention span and don’t engage deeply with issues or cultural objects because we have the technology to constantly distract and amuse us. We see all these more pronouncedly in our youngest generations because these conditions are all they’ve known.

So what is wrong with kids these days? It seems like it’s just more blatant versions of what’s wrong with everyone these days.

Mad Men: T-Shirts


By Mad Men

Bar Room Anecdote takes Disturbing Twist


By Gary Lim
Senior Tavern Correspondent

VANCOUVER (B.C.) – Onlookers watched in stunned silence as what began as a jovial bar room anecdote by one Steven Miller, 22, took off on a strange dark tangent last Thursday night.

Long-time server at Abernethy’s Pub and Grill, Sharleen Halcord told The Peak that Miller had been a long time patron of the establishment.  “He was a real good customer. Every Thursday night he and his friends would be in that corner booth.”

But the usual party-hardy atmosphere of the pub was shattered when an anecdote by Miller took a dark and jarring twist. Second year UBC law student Tanvir Singh was there, here is his chilling first-hand account.

“I was sitting at the table next to them waiting for my boys to show up, they were laughing, drinking, and basically bro-ing the fuck down. They were that kind of drunk where you talk shit, but are still sober enough to be somewhat coherent.  Man, you should’ve heard what they were going off about. ‘What deadly animal would you replace an arm with’, ‘Which famous historical figure would you most likely punch in the face?’, ‘Given that our individual consciousnesses are part of the universe, then what does it mean that we are the universe experiencing itself?’

“But then the conversation somehow turned to the topic of summer break and then camping.  So they’re swapping camping stories when that one guy [Miller] who had been relatively quiet up to that point decides to start talking.

At first I was only half listening, he was talking about going camping with his family. Then he started talking about ‘the compound’ and the leader the ‘Great and powerful Dave’. From his tone they probably thought he was joking. Then he started chanting.

‘Blessed be to the Great Dave, he who hath brought tamed the lightning in sky and leashed it to the fence of barb-ed wire to protect us from the outsiders.’

‘Blessed be to the Great Dave who hath provided us with the nourishing gruel to grow strong, but not too strong. Blessed be to the Great Da-’ and so on.”

And he just kept going, he was obviously pretty passionate about the whole thing because at this point he was at a near-shout. The bar was dead silent now. A couple of people laughed to try break the tension and he just glared them down.”

The RCMP are still looking for David Shamborski, alias “The Great Dave”, any information on his whereabouts that leads to his capture could fetch a reward of up to $10,000.

Stuff We Hate


Stuff We Hate: Parking

When I first enrolled at SFU was excited to get my U-Pass so I wouldn’t have to drive downtown and park. There would be no more circling blocks looking for a spot, no more fumbling for change, and no more pretending that the homeless guy was a speed bump.

That was over four years ago. Apparently my dumb brain used those four years to convince itself that driving downtown was somehow “convenient”. Well guess what. Just like the situation with dead cops in Gotham City, things are worse than ever. There are parking meters that are in effect until 10:00 p.m.! If I have to wait until 10:00 park my car for free then I’m already going to be pretty drunk. Then I’m going to end up getting arrested for drunk driving, and that’s obviously some kind of trick.

What do you want, City of Vancouver? Do you want a couple more hours of parking fees or do you want me to be sober behind the wheel. Ball’s in your court, Gregor.

By Colin Sharp

Stuff We Hate: Silent E

No I’m not talking about notorious underground rapper Silent E nor am I talking about that new rave drug exclusively for mimes.

I’m talking about the English language writing convention of putting the letter ‘E’ at the end of a word to change the preceding vowel sound from short-form to long-form. That shit just rubs me the wrong way.  I mean just the other day, I was making a grilled cheese with my new frying pan, in walks Silent E (drunk, as usual), all of a sudden I’m holding a frying pane and my sandwich is gone.

Don’t even get me started on what that asshole did when I lent him my van for a weekend.

By Gary Lim

Stuff We Hate:Caesars

All Caesars are bullshit. Unless triggering vomit is considered a good thing, then the salad is terrible. The cocktail is powerfully awful.

I was once served a Caesar garnished with a crisp piece of bacon instead of celery. Somehow this Caesar actually had the ability to make the bacon kind of gross. Let that sink in. It made bacon gross. Even Little Caesars Pizza is a mistake. Isn’t it a bad omen that even though the company name includes the word pizza, the slogan is still “Pizza! Pizza!”? Is it that hard to convince people that this food can be classified as pizza?

I get that people like all of them, and everyone is allowed to like shitty things. Just don’t try and convince me otherwise. All Caesars suck. Well . . . Julius Caesar wasn’t too bad, except for that stupid haircut. What is that style called again? Oh yeah. A Caesar. I rest my case.

By Marcus Junius Brutus the Younger


Word On The Street: New Year’s Resolutions


Q: What New Year’s Resolutions have you made to make sure 2012 is the best year ever?


“I’m going to finish that calendar of mine. I’ve been putting that off for WAY too long now.”

—Axotl Muzencab , Ancient Mayan


“Calendars are mass mind control. Another way the guv’ment keeps us running in our neat little tracks, man”

—Gregory Barnett, Man in tin foil hat


“Finally going to figure out what ‘Auld Lang Syne means. That’s been bothering me all year'”

—Arnie Odsteff, Pigeon Enthusiast


“It’s a bit early for that, isn’t it? New Year’s isn’t even for another two weeks.”

—The Chinese, People from China


“By god I’ll be less guillible this year!”

—Father Bernard, Local Priest



By Ben Nay at Awesomesauce

PSSU surveys political science undergrads


By Michael Brophy

Results show general satisfaction, but frustration with course availability

The SFU Political Science Student Union (PSSU) has been working towards a survey initiative that would improve the representation of their student body.

As many students do not attend PSSU meetings, the society undertook an independent survey to gauge where representation is required. While the survey results will not necessarily change the department, gaining the input of the student body is an important step towards possible future changes, said Andrew Keech, the PSSU’s communications representative. “The survey is not intended to produce . . . anything more than an illustrative sample of the overall satisfaction of our peers with the program as they’ve experienced it.” Information collected by the union from the student population creates constructive data, which can then be used to advocate change in the faculty.

The survey also is hoped to increase the reputation of the union among the student body. “Legitimacy of the union’s representation has apparently been an issue in the past, so conducting [a] broad survey of opinion solves a lot of those problems for us and raises the profile of the organization in the department’s student body,” Keech stated.

Hindrances and interruptions were commonplace in getting the survey project off the ground. In its early stages, work required to put the initiative in motion had been done sporadically. Previous PSSU executives contributed to the project, but for various reasons there was successive turnover of responsibilities. Now finally nearing completion, the preliminary results are varied, said Keech. Most students are happy with their experience as a political science student, but the survey also showed that many students had difficulty in fulfilling the writing requirement due to a lack of course availability. As well, most students felt as though the political science courses were either “centre” or “left” on the political spectrum. About 50 percent of participants expressed an interest in going on to a master’s program, while the other half were only interested in getting a bachelor’s degree.

The bulk of the data was gathered in-class. Keech estimates that over 750 responses have entered the survey tally with more still in process. Those eligible to participate in the survey consist of students enrolled in political science undergraduate programs, including all honours, major, and minor students. Efforts have been made to collect data from distance-ed students within the political science department, so far unsuccessfully.

When asked whether the Society of Arts and Social Sciences (SASS) would be creating a similar survey for other student departments, Estefania Duran, current PSSU president and SASS VP of communications, suggested that the “DSU’s [departmental student unions] get involved rather than SASS alone, especially because SASS represents 28 programs and departments so it might be more complicated.” She offered that “[The PSSU] did think however that it might be a good idea to help any DSU interested in doing something similar.”

SFSS officially out of the CFS


By David Dyck

After three years of conflict, and over $450,000 in legal fees, the Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS) has officially left the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS). The issue goes back to 2008, when 67 per cent of SFU students voted to leave the CFS. The CFS, which is the largest student organization in Canada, contested the referendum’s legitimacy, and a series of legal disputes has financially mired the SFSS ever since.

Although a court date had been set for February 12, 2012, for a lengthy and expensive trial that was expected to last approximately six weeks, the dispute was settled out of court in late December. Both parties released a short statement that described the settlement as “amicable”. It further stated that neither party would make any public statements regarding the settlement. There was no mention made of the amount of the settlement.

B.C. Supreme Court judge Richard Blair, in an official court document released in August 2010, explained that he was unable to reach a conclusion about the case at that time, citing an overwhelming amount of evidence. Blair advised that either a second referendum be conducted, or that the dispute should be settled out of court, as either option would be more financially feasible than going to trial in February.

Late last year, the SFSS board argued that the society was running a projected deficit as a result of the pending lawsuit, for which funds had to be set aside in the event the case was lost. The loss of the trial could have resulted in a payout of approximately $1.5 million in unpaid membership fees to the CFS, not including legal fees.

The dispute began as a result of a 2008 referendum question, which the CFS claimed was not done in accordance with CFS bylaws, since it was performed by an SFSS-appointed Independent Electoral Commission, and not the CFS-mandated electoral commission. The referendum, therefore, was not considered by the CFS to be legally binding, and for the SFSS to accept it breached their contract.

J.J. McCullough, chief electoral officer for the Independent Electoral Commission that was appointed by the SFSS, oversaw the 2008 referendum. In an interview with The Peak, he stated that he was still unsure if legal separation was the best route for the union to take, financially. “If you hate the CFS to a really intense degree, you still have to be able to look at these things from [the perspective of] a cost/benefit analysis,” said McCullough. “The question is: how much more than half a million have we paid on this whole battle? . . . I think you can only really judge student politics in terms of the short term, and on the terms of how much student fees are being extracted from students right now to pay for some myopic political feud. That’s the kind of thing that concerns me.” McCullough did admit that, were the numbers in favour of the SFSS, settling would probably be the right choice.

Although the amount of the settlement has not been disclosed, the total amount spent by the SFSS on legal fees from the beginning of the dispute until November 2011 was $454,149.

“I’m glad that it’s over,” said former SFSS president Ali Godson. Godson’s term was from 2010 to 2011, but she served in other capacities in the SFSS for several years prior. Godson ran for, and won, the position of university relations officer in 2008, with a pro-CFS platform. She told The Peak that there was no mention of a settlement during her time on the board. She pointed out that most of the current board, with the exception of Internal Relations Officer Jordan Kohn, were not a part of the original CFS dispute in 2008.

The CFS has been engaged in several other lawsuits with student unions across Canada, including the University of Victoria Students’ Society.

Correction: This article originally stated that the CFS would have been owed approximately $430,000 if the case had been lost. That amount is actually closer to $1.5 million. Furthermore, the CFS has resolved their dispute with the University of Victoria Students’ Society. The Peak apologizes for any confusion this may have caused.

Former SFU chancellor Milton Wong dies at 72


By Graham Cook

Philanthropist remembered for extensive contributions to community

On December 31, 2011, SFU chancellor emeritus Milton Wong, founder of financial management company M.K. Wong and Associates, succumbed to pancreatic cancer at the age of 72.  Wong grew up in Chinatown, and went on to become a pillar of his community, including SFU.  He was a supporter of the expansion of the downtown campuses, First Nations programming, and the SFU School for the Contemporary Arts.

Various leaders from around the province expressed their condolences including Premier Christy Clark and Vancouver mayor Gregor Robertson.

SFU resident Andrew Petter made a statement in his EnVision SFU blog that Wong “leaves an extraordinary imprint on Simon Fraser University” and that “his boundless intellectual energy and passion for social justice propelled many significant initiatives and a variety of programs.”

Chancellor Wong has been described as a businessman and a philanthropist for donating funds to groups such as the B.C. Cancer Foundation and the Salvation Army.  In addition, he was one of the founders of the Vancouver annual Dragon Boat Festival, and over his lifetime he was awarded numerous accolades including the Order of Canada in 1997 and the Freedom of the City award last summer.

When once asked to reflect on what mark he will leave on SFU, Wong stated that more noteworthy was how SFU affected him.

Suspect vehicle identified in murder of SFU student


By Sahira Memon

No arrests to date in Maple Batalia’s murder

A 12-second surveillance clip released by the police has brought to light new information regarding last year’s murder of SFU student Maple Batalia. In the footage, a white late-model Dodge Charger was recorded leaving the scene shortly after the incident occurred.

The vehicle has been seized and the police have already spoken to the person the car was registered under, but no arrests have been made.

Also, thanks to video surveillance before the event took place, two men are being sought for questioning by the police. These men were seen entering the SFU Surrey campus at 12:00 a.m., an hour before Batalia was killed.

There have been no arrests made in the case. Sgt Jennifer Pound of the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team told CBC news, “These persons are not suspects in this crime, but may have information from before, during, or after the crime that could possibly assist IHIT investigators.”

Batalia, an aspiring model and actress and SFU health sciences student, was studying at the Surrey campus with friends when she was shot at 1:00 a.m. on September 28, in the SFU Surrey parking lot. She died later in hospital. A funeral service and memorial were held in her name.

“Maple Batalia was a young woman who was never given the chance to live a full life. Nobody has the right to take anyone’s life away. We know there are people who may have information about her murder and we ask that you think of Maple and her family and the loss they are, and will forever, be facing,” says Pound.

Pound and the IHIT urge anyone with information regarding this case to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477. All tips will be anonymous.