What Grinds Our Gears: Convocations during classes

I’ve had it with AQ traffic

A group of people wearing graduation caps
PHOTO: Joshua Hoehne / Unsplash

By: Olivia Visser, Opinions Editor

I am not looking forward to this fall. My one and only reason for this is that I despise class-hour convocations. Dramatic, I know. I understand that scheduling is tricky, and there will always be at least one class running at any given time on weekdays. But hear me out: I’m still going to complain.

The bagpipe serenades and ear-piercing speaker feedback are honestly not my biggest gripes when it comes to convocations. It’s the random attendees wandering around every campus floor while I’m trying to find a quiet spot. Or, the crowds of people blocking my way as I rush to make it to my morning class. These things both suck, but nothing tops the photo ops I just know I’m in the background of and will never get to see. I promise your photo will look better if I’m not in it. 

Anyway, here’s to our 2024 grads. I’m not blaming you of course, but rather the school design that forces me to traverse a ceremony of hundreds to get to classes at least once a semester. 

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