Give help instead of offering it

How giving help makes you more happy in life

Illustration of three people handing out takeout boxes at a table that reads free food.
ILLUSTRATION: Cliff Ebora / The Peak

By: Tam Nguyen, Staff Writer

Living in a capitalistic society where your value is based solely on how independent or productive you are makes reaching out for help harder than ever. Instead of burning ourselves to the ground and then struggling to reach out for help, we as a society should proactively look out for each other. 

The principles of capitalism focus on individualism with the belief that we are “self-interested” and “inherently competitive.” This is a harmful mindset, as it conditions us to feel embarrassed and inadequate whenever we struggle. However, we can be more attentive. The next time you are hanging out with your loved ones, offer to help — even small gestures such as driving them home, getting food, or helping with chores go a long way. One study found that when you help out a friend, your stress level reduces. When we improve other people’s lives, our own lives improve too. 

Looking out for others should not be limited to the people you know, either. As we interact with strangers in daily life, it’s also important to keep a positive and pay-it-forward attitude. Our circle of support should involve our peers as much as professionals. The only way we can transform toward this collective mindset is by building communitiese through acts of kindness. 

I have been a first-hand witness in spaces where people focus on fostering relationships and care. Many activists also practice security culture, with their motto being “we keep us safe.” People from all backgrounds look out for each other, and while no one should feel ashamed to admit that we are struggling, help is always appreciated.

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