Goodbye, my love

Illustrated by Cora Fu

Written by: Maxwell Gawlick

I have loved you,
And been loved by you.
I have hurt you,
And been hurt by you.
I have given you all,
And yet you ask for more.
I please you, I nurture you,
But you can only bring me pain.

I have sacrificed friendship for you.
I have sacrificed scholarships for you.
I have sacrificed co-op for you.
I have sacrificed all for you.
I have sacrificed years for you,
And you have failed me.

After four years, I am free from you.
After four years, I can finally say,
Goodbye to you, my GPA.

I have loved you,
And been hurt too.
I have given you all,
But you just make me bawl.
For four years we drew apart
But it still breaks my heart.

In the beginning, I got you to four,
But you only wanted more.
You would never again be what you were,
But even as you fell, it was all a blur.
I thought about you all the time,
But you just wouldn’t climb.

I tried to fix it on my own,
But it’s impossible to do alone.
I tried to hide it for a while,
But it was all I could do to smile.
I fought for you, by hammer and blade,
But all you gave me was a passing grade.

Sitting here, at my grad,
There was never a moment I was glad.
But after four years, I can finally say
Goodbye to you, my GPA.

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