Board Shorts


Health Plan to cover student repatriation costs

The SFSS Board of Directors moved to allocate $2,014.85 from the Health Plan Reserve Fund to cover the repatriation costs of a student who passed away in early September.

Repatriation is the process by which a body is returned to its original place of citizenship. Since the current coverage does not cover the cost associated with the process, the student’s family was stuck with a large bill.

Said VP University Relations Darwin Binesh, “This is really a nice gesture on our part.” The board unanimously carried the motion, and interest was expressed in looking into the current plan covering these costs in the future.

Director exit reports to be posted online

The exit reports from the 2014–2015 board of directors are to be made available on the society’s website.

VP External Relations Kathleen Yang explained that every year prior to the last, the exit reports were posted online without going through an official board motion.

In a special circumstance, the 2013–2014 board reports were not posted as usual since they contained confidential information that was stricken for public posting.

Yang brought this motion to the table, “for the sake of posterity,” to set the standard of publishing reports for future boards.

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