The Peak Publications Society Board Meeting agenda


Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

August 20, 2015

Location: Havana, 1212 Commercial Drive


Chair: Max Hill

In attendance:

Editor-in-Chief, Max Hill

Collective Representative, Melissa Roach

Employee Representative, Katherine Gillard

At-Large Representative, Natalie Serafini

Maia Odegaard (Board Secretary, non-voting)


Collective Representative, Tamara Connor


1. Approval of Agenda


2. Approval of past minutes from July 23, 2015


3. Investment update


Maia to report on the status of the Society’s investments.  See appendix A.

4. Financial update

Maia Odegaard to summarize the Society’s finances through August 31, 2015. See appendix B.


5. Peak newsstands


Max and Maia have been contacted by SFU’s Facilities Services, who has discussed the possibility of replacing The Peak’s current newsstands as well as helping to move them into more strategic places around campus. The Board will discuss how best to respond to the administration’s requests.

6. ACP Conference in Austin, Texas

The Board will discuss whether The Peak is interested in sending delegates to the upcoming ACP conference in Austin, Texas on October 28, 2015.

7. Replacing broken chairs


A collective member has approached the Board with a request to replace several of the office’s broken chairs. The Board will discuss the feasibility of replacing said chairs, as well as which chairs would need to be replaced.

8. Adjournment


– – –

Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

July 23, 2015

The Peak Offices


Chair: Max Hill

In attendance:

Editor-in-Chief, Max Hill

Collective Representative, Melissa Roach

Collective Representative, Tamara Connor

Employee Representative, Katherine Gillard

Maia Odegaard (Board Secretary, non-voting)

Guest, Adam Van der Zwan


At-Large Representative, Natalie Serafini (proxy vote: Katherine Gillard)


1. Called to order: 5:00 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda — item 7. switched with item 9.



3. Approval of past minutes from June 18, 2015



4. Investment update

Maia presented the current status of the Society’s investments. The total value of our investments are down $9,663.89, but overall, they are doing well YTD and these types of dips  are to be expected. See appendix A.


5. Financial update

Maia Odegaard presented the Society’s finances through June 30, 2015. The expenses have been fairly normal to date and ad sales were above average for the summer semester. Staff expenses were slightly higher than last month because there was an additional production night in June. See appendix B.


6. Hiring board representation


Both Tamara and Katherine put their names forward for the position. The Board decided Katherine would serve on the hiring panel for the fall editors and Tamara would be the alternate, as this is likely Katherine’s last chance to be involved in the hiring process.

No vote.

7. Questions/concerns surrounding the current plans for the 50th anniversary Peak reunion


A member of the collective came to Tamara because he feels that the current collective should be included in the reunion and that The Peak should be more transparent regarding the plans for this reunion. The board brought up the counter argument that the collective is treated to a special event every semester (The Peakies) and that the promotions coordinator is planning a 50th anniversary event that is exclusively for current students. If there are members of the current collective who wish to be involved in the reunion, they are welcome to volunteer during the event.

The board decided that Max and Katherine would give a more in depth explanation of the 50th anniversary plans (reunion and otherwise) at collective, and ask for up to five volunteers. If there is a collective member who is very keen to come, but all the volunteer positions fill up, they are welcome to contact [email protected] to work out a different arrangement.  

8. Request for access to The Peak material by SFU administration


Christine Lyons from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Ivana Filipovic from the Communication and Marketing Department have requested use of material from The Peak, including articles and images, for the school’s 50th anniversary celebrations. The board decided to authorise the Department of Communications and Marketing use of this material, so long as they credit this material “photo courtesy of the Peak Publications Society” and Maia is tasked to respond to Ivana. Max is tasked to follow up with Christine and determine exactly how they will be using our material.

9. 50th Anniversary Peak reunion budget


Katherine and Maia brought forward a potential budget for the 50th anniversary reunion. The board decided that the t-shirts should be removed from the reunion budget as ¾ of them will be given out to current collective members/staff and are not exclusively for the reunion. The final budget approved is for a maximum of $3,371.55, with the understanding that this amount is in case every person invited RSVPs yes (87 guests).


All in favour

10. Clarification on multimedia pay policy


A contributor came to Tamara as he remains unsure how to properly invoice their hours spent assisting on a multimedia project. The board requested that Tamara point the contributor towards the updated Contributor Pay Policy and to list a contribution to a multimedia project in the same way as a written article, photograph, or illustration: include the date of publication, title of the project, and the amount. Contributors should always check with the multimedia editor if they are unsure of how much their contribution is worth.

11. Adjournment: 5:55 p.m.
Approved by:  ______________________________________  &  _______________________________________ on August 20, 2015.

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