University Briefs


WEB - Briefs

VIU now offers journalism minor

Added to the list of credentials six months ago, Vancouver Island University offers the only BA minor in journalism in BC. After strong advocating by faculty members, VIU is to provide the credential with minimal financial cost, with only one course added to make this a reality. Journalism professor, Richard Dunstan, said it is an excellent program because it works well in conjunction with another major or minor in programs such as global studies or political studies.

With files from The Navigator


Pride week comes to Mt. Allison University

Last week saw the first ever Pride Week at Mt. Allison’s University. Organizations combatting homophobia at Mt. A, such as Get REAL and the Catalyst Society, brought this event to the university for the first time in order to raise awareness of LGBTQIA issues and to deconstruct and eradicate various homophobic attitudes. The week consisted of events such as a rainbow flag raising ceremony, a bake sale, and an “I Love You Philip Morris” movie night, and ended with Hand Holding Day on Oct. 11.

With files from The Argosy


Algonquin College spends on energy savings

Algonquin College has begun an initiative to make college life a little greener. The green initiative, named ESCO2, has already affected change in all the residence buildings, installing new water-conserving fixtures in all the washrooms. The new toilets use half the amount of water per flush, saving both water and money for the college.

Sarah Dehler, the school’s sustainability coordinator, said, “As we’re reducing our waste, we’re reducing our demand on that city infrastructure,” claiming that as well as reducing their ecological footprint, Algonquin college is “being a good corporate citizen.”

With files from Algonquin Times


Police take issue with Dal’s unofficial “Dawgfather”

Known to many Dalhousie students as the Dawgfather, the man who sells hot dogs outside the student union building has recently had his hotdog truck impounded by police. He admits that this is the third time that the “Dawgmobile” has been seized, this time due to multiple alleged unpaid tickets, collectively valued at over $9,000.

The Dawgfather said he is outraged and that this accusation is false. In the meantime, it is business almost as usual. He is currently operating out of a U-Haul at the rate of $50 a day until the Dawgmobile makes a comeback.

With files from Dalhousie Gazette

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