SFU professor receives Influential Women in Business Award


By Munatsi Mavhima
Photos by Mark Burnham

Dr. Blaize Horner Reich, a Simon Fraser University professor, has won the Influential Women in Business Award for 2013 presented by Business in Vancouver. According to Business in Vancouver’s website, honourees are chosen based on their influence in the business community at large, as well as on their dedication “to mentor other women in business and contribute their expertise on corporate and not for profit boards.”
“It’s an honour. The other winners are well-respected leaders in the corporate world, with companies and organizations,” Dr. Reich told The Peak. “It’s nice to get recognition for my work in different in different capacities, all coming together in this award.”
Her passion lies in Information Technology (IT), as evidenced by the various positions she holds, including the RBC professor of technology and innovation, associate dean of the Segal Graduate School of Business, and as a board member of the CIO Association of Canada, and the Information and Communications Technology Sector Council.
Additionally, Dr. Reich is a mentor to students and professionals, overseeing the Executive MBA program, the Management and Technology MBA program, and undergraduate courses. “I was an IT professional before coming to SFU. I spent seven years at BC Hydro as a Data Administrator and also ran a consultancy firm, so I’ve worked with businesses and IT for years,” Dr. Reich explained.
According to her colleagues, Dr. Reich has become an integral part of the Beedie Business School. Dr. Daniel Shapiro, professor at the Dean and Lohn Foundation, said, “At SFU, she has been an important part of our evolution into a modern and successful business school.”
Dr. Reich commented on the challenges of being a woman in the business world, stating, “I’ve been the only woman in the room for a long time, and it can be difficult because you approach things slightly differently. But, fortunately I work in an industry where your work is clearly and easily evaluated, so if it’s up to standard, you do get the merit you deserve.”
At SFU, Dr. Reich works to mentor female students and entrepreneurs entering the business field. When asked to provide any advice for students, she said, “I’d say do what you’re passionate about. Follow your passion, not because it’s easy, but because if your heart is in it you’ll be willing to put in the hours of hard work it takes to succeed.”
Good things do come with hard work, and according to Dr. Reich you must “be proactive about your education. These days employers are looking at more than just your performance in the classroom. Plus, you are paying so much for your education; you might as well make the best of every opportunity.”
Dr. Reich joined the SFU community in 1991 following the completion of her PhD at the University of British Columbia. “I chose SFU because it’s innovative and I saw the chance to build a new program,” Dr. Reich explained.

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