G.I. Joes and oh hell nos


By Gloria Mellesmoen

KBG sorority’s latest event smacks of the sexism they purport to oppose

They say all publicity is good publicity, but I have to question what the women in charge of SFU’s sorority Kappa Beta Gamma were thinking when they decided to throw an event called G.I. Joes and Army Hoes. The pub night definitely has a memorable name, but it seems like they sacrificed their dignity for a theme with a simple rhyme scheme.
First and foremost, I take issue with the choice to call women “hoes.” I do not care if rhyming is cute, applying a degrading colloquial term to women is problematic. Kappa Beta Gamma’s mission statement includes that they “are an organization dedicated to improving its members morally, socially, and intellectually.” An event with a misogynistic title is a rank failure to “improve” a female-exclusive membership.

If the women of Kappa Beta Gamma do not take themselves seriously, why should anyone else? I can say with the utmost confidence that I will never join a group that would call its membership and supporters “hoes.” A sorority should not be sanctioning the use of a word that demeans women, much less posting it about campus and associating it with SFU.
Moving beyond the poorly chosen title, the theme is also fraught with indiscretion. Their mission statement also expresses that they are “committed to bettering not only themselves but also their community,” but I cannot fathom how an event advocating drinking and an army theme does anything beside promote ignorance.

My impression was that sororities focused on philanthropy, not making a party out of serious global issues. The fact that many countries around the world are in turmoil is not something to drink to. War should not be glorified or sexualized. I highly doubt anyone who has had to fight for their country would appreciate their work being represented as a sexy costume by a bunch of drunk university students.

I have to wonder if the women of Kappa Beta Gamma were the type to skip the annual mandatory Remembrance Day assemblies in their K–12 years.

With its title in mind, Kappa Beta Gamma’s event has offensive implications for women in the military. The army has historically been seen as a place where women do not belong, so those who pursue a career in it have a hard time earning the respect they deserve.

CNN posted an article about sexual assault in the military the day before the G.I. Joes and Army Hoes event that included ex-soldier BriGette McCoy’s testimonial of how she was raped twice in one year of service. BriGette McCoy is not a hoe.

This derogatory term is often used with connotations of promiscuity which are often linked to fallacious judgments involving “asking for it” when it comes to sexual assault. Though I am sure Kappa Beta Gamma’s event organizers meant well, it is wrong to insinuate that any woman, particularly one in a profession where rape is prevalent, is a “hoe.”

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