Word on the Street: October 22nd, 2012







“Bah, back in my day if we wanted to bully someone, you’d giv’em an injun burn, none of this hastagging their nexopi-blog. Worst generation ever.

Stanley Scrant

Ornery octogenerian







“Sure, cyber bullying is efficient, but it’s no substitute for the real thing. Kind of like how the Kindle will never completely replace the book. ”

Trent Klassen

Harassment aficionado







“The problem should solve itself once we figure out what the online version of shooting up a school is.”

Colleen Franks








“Dude, I’m a buffalo and you’re a racist.”


Not a bull, it seems







“The growing instances of cyber bullying are an issue that we need to tackle, put in a head lock, and not let go of until it cries uncle. ”

Sasha Gurwal 

By Gary Lim

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