DSU Spotlight


By Graham Cook

History Student Union

The History Student Union works with history students, professors, and other DSUs to host events at which people can relax and get their nerd on. In the past, we have held several history-themed Pub Trivia Nights at the SFSS Highland Pub, a history movie night, and two Bicker and Banter panels. In addition to this, we will be publishing the first issue of Borders, an interdisciplinary journal. We will be holding elections on Tuesday, Oct. 2, so please “like” us on Facebook and check out our blog to get updates as to how you can get involved with the HSU!

Physics Student Association

Students can get involved with the PSA by attending our meetings where we offer free pizza. We have held physics conferences, and most recently we had a pi day celebration where students paid to pie instructors in the face for charity.

Communication Student Union

The Communication Student Union (CMNSU) is a student organization at Simon Fraser University for all students of the communication program — majors, minors, as well as students currently taking any class offered by the School of Communication. Every semester the CMNSU organizes events for their peers and provides opportunities for students to gain valuable communication skills and volunteer experience.
The CMNSU works closely with the communication co-op to bring students fantastic events like the Annual Communication Symposium and Careers in Communication. Besides organizing events, the CMNSU produces swag for students, including extremely popular t-shirts. Every year the CMNSU also provides students with the opportunity to get their writing and photos published in our annual magazine, InContext.
If you would like to get more involved with your student union, please visit the CMNSU website [www.cmnsu.com], or send us an email at cmnsu-exec@sfu.ca.
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/cmnsu
Twitter: @cmnsu
email: cmns-pres@sfu.ca
Dance Student Union

Along with a small body of elected executives and any other students, we hold weekly meetings were we discuss all sorts of things pertaining to the Dance Area. Our union hosts a range of activities. We provide first aid kits in the dance studios, host artists from the community to give workshops to SFU dance students, and fundraise through bake sales and parties. We are a very small union and always ready to listen to new ideas — please feel free to contact us anytime if you’ve got an idea comment or question! dance-pres@sfu.ca

Humanities Student Union

The Humanities Student Union publishes inter/tidal., an academic interdisciplinary journal which showcases poetic and prosaic pieces, visual art, and short essays. The HSU puts on a journal launch each year with installations by contributors and local artists, live music (from autoharp solos to dirty rap parties), and readings. The Railway Club, Centre A, The Waldorf Hotel, and W2 all played host to these annual events. We are closely affiliated with the humanities department and events put on by the Institute for the Humanities, and we generally shy from the dry side of student politics. Check out our website http://www.intertidalsfu.com/ for back copies of the journal, information regarding contributions and happenings about town. We always welcome new members, so send hum-union@sfu.caa line if you’d like to join in.

Interactive Arts and Technology Student Union

“IATSU represents the interests and promotes the design culture within the SIAT program of SFU. We host events to enhance the SIAT life with events that allow students to showcase their work, to learn more about the industry with professionals, and to meet and collaborate with their peers. Beyond events, IATSU works behind the scenes in the course structure of SIAT by providing feedback to upcoming changes with the student perspective in order to make every part of the SIAT life more enjoyable. If students are interested in helping with the operations of the student union, they can visit our website www.iatsu.com or e-mail us at iatsu-contact@sfu.ca.

Software Systems Student Society

The SSSS is a Surrey-based DSU that provides representation and various activities/benefits for all software systems students. Formed in the spring of last year, we aim to bring our membership closer together and provide fun events and informative workshops that would otherwise be unavailable. For instance, this fall is the first time software systems students will have a frosh event hosted jointly by their own DSU and the MSESS here at SFU Surrey. If you would like to get involved and help out with our events, watch for our emails about volunteering — or if you’re interested in jumping right in, our elections are coming up soon and you can submit yourself as a nominee for an executive position.

Computing Science Student Society

The Computing Science Student Society (CSSS) promotes the interests of students in the School of Computing Science. As a DSU we provide the resources to help computing science students be successful both academically and socially.
 The CSSS has a common room for all students which is located in room 9802 in the Applied Sciences Building, just off the atrium and next to CSIL. It offers $1.00 pop, five-cent photocopying, a free phone, and comfy couches.
Throughout the year the CSSS holds events including LAN parties, board games nights, Frosh Week, and other socials. CSSS meetings are held several times a semester, and are open to all computing science students.
To find out more about the CSSS and how to get involved visit our website at csss.cs.sfu.ca

Environmentmental Science Student Union

We volunteer for environmentally focused causes, host and facilitate talks from green-focused groups, and have fun and network among our members. We have a potluck once a semester, which is a great way for people to come out and meet us if they’re interested. The best way to get in touch with us is at this email address or to drop by our common room in WMC 2605.

Criminology Student Association

If you are a student majoring, minoring, or in a Criminology course at SFU then you are automatically a member of the Criminology Student Association.
We put on career fairs in order for students to meet potential employers in the field. We also organize panel events where students can meet professionals who have pursued grad school in criminology, as well as policing and law, to provide a venue to learn more about the career paths some have traveled upon. Some of our other past events include movie nights, frosh, paintballing, beverage gardens, and pub nights.

Economics Student Society

The ESS is a student union comprised of students majoring and minoring in economics, or any students taking economics courses. While it aims to promote thoughtful debate and discussion on current issues in this sphere, this organization seeks to build a sense of community by giving students the opportunity to bond and develop networking skills. To this end, the ESS executives have a tradition of arranging a wings night every semester. Declared economics students are encouraged to meet other fellow students, as well as professors from the Economics Department, in the presence of wings and beer served free of charge. Other notable events include the Economics Salon, where students are encouraged to share views and debate current economic issues. By becoming an active member of the ESS, you will have the opportunity to organize as well as provide input for these events. Furthermore, the many practical skills gained along the way will serve you well once you enter the workforce.

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