World News Beat

Bite-sized news from around the world


By: Ana Maria Mejia-Morales

USA The CIA can’t keep their secrets

Documents released on Tuesday by Wikileaks describe the extent to which the the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has hacked TVs, smartphones, computers and internet routers. According to BBC News, experts have raised questions of the CIA’s legitimacy, including questioning their own security and transparency as an agency protecting the public.

With files from BBC News

USA Illegal immigrants in the US may have to separate from their children

In order to crack down on on the entrance of illegal immigrants into the USA, John Kelly, Homeland Security Secretary, explained that this could potentially separate children from their parents. Running from violence, most of the families who may arrive from Central America, could be detained when entering the border. Under these plans, children will be separated from their families and put in the care of the department of health and human services (HHS) whilst their parents are deported. However, according to BBC News, Democratic congressman Henry Cuellar explained, “Bottom line: separating mothers and children is wrong. That type of thing is where we depart from border security and get into violating human rights.”

With files from BBC News

Somalia Call for action as Somalia faces famine

UN secretary general António Guterres has called for action as Somalia is experiencing their third- biggest drought in 25 years, aggravating hunger and disease. It is calculated by the UN that food and water shortages have affected 6.2 million, and famine and a lack of clean water has caused many cases of cholera amongst the population. Nigeria, Yemen, and South Sudan are also amongst the countries where starvation has been confirmed. Guterres’ call for action arrives after he personally visited camps where people who have been displaced are living and are fleeing from al-Shabaab.

With files from Al Jazeera

Argentina #NiUnaMas (#NotOneWomanLess)

What started in Argentina as a march by women demanding the right to sunbathe topless last month has now rapidly grown into a general call for gender equality around Latin America. After the Ni Una Mas (Not One Woman Less) March took place in 2015 in the streets of Buenos Aires, the movement has rapidly grown all throughout Latin America. The region has an average of 2.5 murders per 100,000 inhabitants.

With files from BBC News

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