Two-Minute Drill: Kassie Muanyam

Getting to know the junior golfer’s music taste and hidden talents

Photo of Kassie Muanyam watching her shot after a swing on the golf course.
Two legends, one choice: Is Muanyam picking Tiger Woods or Phil Mickelson? PHOTO: Belinda Lin

By: Isabella Urbani, Sports Editor

Kassie Muanyam is a junior on the women’s golf team, majoring in psychology and minoring in business with aspirations to become a lawyer. Before SFU, she was a member of her high school golf team that placed second at the BC School AAA Championship in 2018.

Q: What’s something from/about Nanaimo (your hometown) that you think is better than Burnaby?

A: In Nanaimo, there’s a ton of beautiful beaches, lakes and mountains. The beauty of living on an island is everything is generally within 10 minutes or less from my house!

Q: Golf just introduced walkout songs. What song are you picking?

A: “All of the Lights” by Kanye West.

Q: SFU women’s golf just came out with a list of superlatives. Which one are you being assigned to?

A: Most likely to become a musician.

Q: Go to karaoke song and why?

A: “Breakeven” by The Script. Can’t go wrong with that song.

Q: Hidden talents/something no one knows about you?

A: I play the guitar and the piano!

Q: If you could have lunch with any celebrity (dead or alive), who would it be?

A: Robert Downey Jr., he’s had a pretty interesting life and seems like a great guy — plus he’s Iron Man.

(Ahem, ‘used to be’ Iron Man.)

Q: If you could change anything about golf (rules, scoring, etc.), what would it be?

A: Probably the out-of-bounds rule. The current rule is if you hit your ball out of bounds, you take stroke-and-distance relief — you play another ball from where the previous stroke was made and take a penalty stroke as well. I would change it so you would play out-of-bounds the way you would play if you hit into a hazard.

Q: Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson are teeing off. Who are you taking and why?

A: Both great players and huge figures in golf, but I would go with Tiger Woods. I’ve always admired him, he’s [incredible] on the course and I always find myself rooting for him no matter what.

Q: Most memorable golf memory?

A: My first time competing with SFU at a tournament we won [ . . . ] in Utah; experiencing college golf for the first time was really fun.

Q: If you could play any other sport for the day, what would it be and why?

A: I’d probably choose basketball, just cause it’s always fun and also a team sport, which would be a switch up from golf.

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