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The Peak Publications Society

The Peak Publications Society is a registered non-profit society under the B.C. Societies Act that publishes this website and the print version of The Peak. We are governed by a Constitution. The Society is governed by a Board of Directors, which is currently made up of: The Board has approved the following policies which may be of interest: Contributor Policy Copyright Policy
Editorial Process Policy AV Materials Policy Anonymity Policy Conflict of Interest Policy Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda August 15, 2019 Peak Offices Chair: Natasha Tar In Attendance Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting) Zach Siddiqui (Employee Members Representative) Natasha Tar (Collective Members Representative / Chair) Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative) Kierra Enns (At-Large Representative) Gabrielle McLaren (Editor-in-Chief) Marissa Ouyang (Guest) – Regrets Regrets: Bahar Vaghari Moghaddam (At-Large Representative) Agenda 1. Call to Order 12:16 pm 2. Approval of Agenda Zach / Pablo All in favour 3. Approval of Past Minutes from July 15th, 2019 Zach / Kierra All in favour 4. Approval of Past Minutes from July 22nd, 2019 Pablo / Kierra All in favour 5. Updated financials Yuri to present 6. Fall budget 2019 Yuri to present Move all staff writers pay budget from contributor budget to wages budget 7. Membership report Yuri to present 24 members currently 8. Proposal to pay editors for writing outside of their sections Gabrielle to lead the discussion BIRT. Board does more research, EIC keeps tracking, Discuss again on Sept board meeting. 9. Reviewing Marissa’s Design Proposal Open discussion BIRT. Discuss again with prodo editor together 10. Discussing the Board’s role in disciplinary action at The Peak and the potential creation of a disciplinary policy Open discussion Move to next meeting. 11. Discussing disclosing Board minutes to the public Open discussion Move to next meeting. 12. Adjournment 1:53pm[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Board Meeting Minutes Fall 2019″ tab_id=”1571688094865-64789399-dc14″]

Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
September 12, 2019
Peak Offices

Chair: Natasha Tar

In Attendance
Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Zach Siddiqui (Employee Members Representative)
Natasha Tar (Collective Members Representative / Chair)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)
Kierra Enns (At-Large Representative)
Gabrielle McLaren (Editor-in-Chief)
Bahar Vaghari Moghaddam (At-Large Representative)
Marissa Ouyang (Guest)


1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Agenda
Kierra / Pablo
All in favour

3. Approval of Past Minutes from August 15th, 2019
Kierra / Pablo
All in favour

4. Updated financials
Yuri to present

5. Membership report
Yuri to present 32 members. AGM 2019 will be held on Oct 16 Wed from 1:30 -2:30pm. Notice
will be sent to all signed members by the end of Sept.

6. Continued discussion on proposal to pay editors for writing outside of their sections
Open discussion
Motion by Zach / Pablo
All in favour
Vote to pass this proposal with edits (full pay for articles, EIC discretion, check-ins between editors, writers, and the EIC) on the condition that the EIC will report on its success at the end of the semester by Zach / Pablo
Yes: 5 No: 0 Abstentions: 0
Vote passes
Pay will start from week 5 fall, 2019.

7. Reviewing Marissa’s Illustration Editor Proposal
Marissa to lead the discussion
Change system (deadlines earlier, editors will potentially fill out forms for illustration to help
for now. See if we have the budget in the future for this new position.

8. Discussing the Board’s role in disciplinary action at The Peak and the potential
creation of a disciplinary policy
Open discussion
Make a new policy, policy drafting team to be decided over group chat.

9. Discussing disclosing Board minutes to the public
Open discussion
Agreed to post minutes on web after they are approved

10. Adjournment

Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
October 21, 2019
Peak Offices

Chair: Natasha Tar

In Attendance
Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Zach Siddiqui (Employee Members Representative)
Natasha Tar (Collective Member Representative / Chair)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)
Gabrielle McLaren (Editor-in-Chief)
Bahar Vaghari Moghaddam (At-Large Representative)
Kelly Chia
Grupreet Kambo


1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Agenda
Pablo / Bahar
All in favour
3. Approval of Past Minutes from September 12th, 2019
Pablo / Bahar
All in favour
4. Appointment of new Board Chair
Motion Bahar to be the next board chair by Pablo / Zach

5. Appointment of new Employee Representative & Collective Representative
Motion Kelly Chia to be next Employee Rep. by Pablo / Bahar
Motion Natasha by Pablo / Kelly to be next collective Rep.

6. Updated financials
Yuri to present

7. Membership report
Yuri to present
34 members

8. EIC updates
Staff updates
Employee time off pay – Bahar does research and discuss on next meeting.

8. Discussion on board training from SFPIRG
Yuri to present
Approved and gather time availability for this training.

9. Update on Disciplinary Policy & EIC hiring policy
Natasha to present
Gabrielle, Natasha and Bahar will work on disciplinary policy.
Double check this policy and final pass at next meeting.

10. Discussion on the status of Burnaby and Vancouver campus distribution stands
Natasha, Yuri, and Gabrielle to present
Ask distribution to fill up the spreadsheet on stands status and conditions, then board will do the further discussion at next meeting.

11. Adjournment



Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
November 18, 2019
Peak Offices

Chair: Bahar Vaghari Moghaddam

In Attendance
Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Kelly Chia (Employee Members Representative)
Natasha Tar (Collective Member Representative)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)
Bahar Vaghari Moghaddam (At-Large Representative)
Gabrielle McLaren (Editor-in-Chief)


Call to Order

Approval of Agenda
Natasha, Pablo
All in favour

Approval of Past Minutes from October 21, 2019
Pablo, Natasha
All in favour

Updated financials
Yuri to present

Membership report
Yuri to present
34 members

Update on employee time off pay
Bahar to present
We don’t pay time off for employees who did not do their work.
Written version for taking off or leave early on Friday _ Gabrielle does a draft

Update on EIC Hiring and Disciplinary Policy
Draft is done and need to be approved by the board remotely.
BIRT, in the processing.

Update on the Burnaby and Vancouver campus distribution stands
Surrey campus: is good for now.
Vancouver campus: could add one at Harbour centre table area.
Burnaby campus: could add one at lib, the study, (BIRT). Kelly and Gabrielle help

Board Chair Updates
Bahar to lead a conversation
Motion to approve
Kelly, Pablo

10. Adjournment





[/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Board Meeting Minutes Spring 2020″ tab_id=”1578347651875-5a228dce-4350″]

Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
December 16, 2019
Peak Offices

Chair: Bahar Vaghari Moghaddam

In Attendance
Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Kelly Chia (Employee Members Representative)
Natasha Tar (Collective Member Representative)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)
Bahar Vaghari Moghaddam (At-Large Representative)
Gabrielle McLaren (Editor-in-Chief)
Gurpreet Kambo (Guest)
Kitty Cheung (Guest)


Call to Order
11:11 am

Approval of Agenda
Pablo / Natasha
All in favour Approval of Past Minutes from November 18, 2019
Natasha / Pablo
All in favour
Updated financials
Yuri to present

Budget of Spring 2020
Yuri to present

Membership report
Yuri to present

Update on Disciplinary Policy
BIRT, talk about on Jan meeting.

Assistant News Editor position, Spring 2020
Gurpreet to present
Edit working hours from 15 to 14 on job description
Kelly / Natasha
All in favour

SFPIRG Training Discussion
Members application notice, online & print, ind. at pitch email at the beginning of semester.
Looking a rule of order _ Natasha helps
Exit report of director.

Break 12:21-12:30
In Camera

Update on employee time off pay & EIC inter-semester pay
Gabrielle to present

EIC Updates
Gabrielle to present


Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Monday, January 6th 2020
Peak Offices

Chair: Bahar Vaghari Moghaddam

In Attendance
Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Kelly Chia (Employee Members Representative)
Natasha Tar (Collective Member Representative)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)
Bahar Vaghari Moghaddam (At-Large Representative)


Call to Order

Approval of Agenda
Natasha / Kelly

Approval of Past Minutes from December 16, 2019
Pablo / Kelly

Updated financials
Yuri to present

Membership report
Yuri to present
39 member

Board Chair Replacement
Bahar to present
Call SGM in March, start an ad soon. Poster on club day for at-large election.
EIC hiring takes place in Feb

Changing Signers on Peak Bank Account
Bahar to present a motion to add Kelly Chia as the Employment Director signer and to remove Zach Siddiqui from Peak bank account signer
Pablo / Natasha
All in favour

Update of SFPIRG brochure request
Draft a letter to allow SFPIRG to place their brochure(the one board approved)
on our stands with a time frame. No print and distribution service provided

Land acknowledgement update
Add on board email after finalizing



Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Monday, February 3rd 2020
Peak Offices

Chair: Kelly Chia

In Attendance
Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Kelly Chia (Employee Members Representative)
Natasha Tar (Collective Member Representative)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)
Bahar Vaghari Moghaddam (At-Large Representative)
Gabrielle McLaren (Editor-in-Chief)


Call to Order

Approval of Agenda
Natasha Pablo
All in favour

Approval of Past Minutes from January 6, 2020
Pablo Natasha
All in favour

Updated financials
Yuri to present

Membership report
Yuri to present
54 members

Land acknowledgement update
Kelly to present
Update it on paper. Add comments at final version
Pablo Natasha
All in favour

Discussion of attendance policy
Gabrielle and Yuri to present
Small edits by EIC and approve at next meeting

In Camera

EIC updates
Gabrielle to present




Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Monday, March 9th 2020
Peak Offices

Chair: Kelly Chia

In Attendance
Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Kelly Chia (Employee Members Representative)
Natasha Tar (Collective Member Representative)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)
Bahar Vaghari Moghaddam (At-Large Representative)
Gabrielle McLaren (Guest)
Juztin Bello (Guest)


Call to Order
1:08 pm

Approval of Agenda
Natasha / Pablo
All in favour

Approval of Past Minutes from February 3, 2020
Pablo / Natasha
All in favour

Updated financials
Yuri to present

Membership report
Yuri to present
54 members

Student Society Pamphlet Distribution Request
Yuri to present
Motto to approve by Pablo / Natasha
All in favour

Permission to republish PEAK material
Kelly will take a look at this and respond by email by 3/21.
Gabrielle helps
Discussion of copy editor pay rising
Create a timesheet to see if there are lots of differences other than section editors for 1-2weeks,
then we talk about it at the next board meeting.




Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Monday, April 13th 2020
Google Hangouts

Chair: Kelly Chia

In Attendance
Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Kelly Chia (Employee Members Representative)
Natasha Tar (Collective Member Representative)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)
Gabrielle McLaren (Guest)
Juztin Bello (Guest)
Marco Ovies (Guest)

Bahar Vaghari Moghaddam (At-Large Representative)


Call to Order
1:10 pm

Approval of Agenda
Motion to approve by Bahar/Natasha
All in favour

Approval of Past Minutes from March 9, 2020
Motion to approve by Bahar/Pablo
All in favour

Updated financials

Summer Budget
Yuri to present

Membership report
54 Members

Change Bank Signer
Motion to remove Gabrielle McLaren and add Marco Ovies as bank signer
Motion to approve by Natasha/Bahar
All in favour

Discussion of raising copy pay
Kelly to present
Wait until we know the enrolment numbers for summer

Working hours adjustment
Natasha and Yuri to present
Double check with previous minutes on whether this item requires board approval

Discussion of SFU moving to remote semester and how it affects The Peak
Open discussion
Suspended staff members writing policy and vote to reverse policy depending on the semester enrollment
Motion to approve by Pablo/Bahar
All in favour

SGM postponed to the summer
SGM meeting to be done remotely on May 8 at 2 p.m.

Paying Burnaby campus distribution manager in the summer
Open discussion
Offer distribution manager of Burnaby campus a half pay per week in summer.

Discussion of the removal of Peak material: updating the anonymity and online material removal policy
Kelly to present
Defer back to EIC

In – Camera

Updating Conflict of Interest policy
Open discussion

3:11 pm

[/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Board Meeting Minutes Summer 2020″ tab_id=”1592603946212-3067eaa6-5181″]

Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, May 19th 2020

Chair: Kelly Chia

In Attendance
Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Kelly Chia (Employee Members Representative)
Angela Wachowich (At-Large Representative)
Emma Dunbar (At-Large Representative)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)
Marco Ovies (Editor-In-Chief_Guest)


Call to Order
12:01 pm

Approval of Agenda
Motion to approve by Pablo, Emma
All in favour

Approval of Past Minutes from April 13, 2020
Motion to approve by Pablo, Emma
All in favour

Introduction of new At-Large Representatives
Very welcome Angela and Emma to support PPS board

Financial updates
Yuri to present

Membership report
Yuri to present
56 members (include new members and exclude graduated members)

Discussion of moving the Collective Representative election to AGM 2020

Pay raise for Promotion Position only following BC minimum wage rising from June
Yuri to present
Motion to approve by Pablo / Angela to rise hourly wage from $14.50 to $15.50 per hour
All in favour

12:37 pm



Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Monday, June 08, 2020

Chair: Kelly Chia

In Attendance
Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Kelly Chia (Employee Members Representative)
Angela Wachowich (At-Large Representative)
Emma Dunbar (At-Large Representative)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)
Marco Ovies (Editor-In-Chief_Guest)


Call to Order

Approval of Agenda
Motion to approve by Pablo, Angela
All in favour

Approval of Past Minutes from May 19, 2020
Motion to approve by Emma, Pablo
All in favour

Financial updates
Yuri to present

Membership report
Yuri to present
56 members (include new members and exclude graduated members)

EIC updates
Readership has increased, multi team does good videos, Facebook has more views/likes

Open discussion of responding to Covid-19 in Fall
Follow up about the sports section, could do some changes on the sports section.
Keep this discussion at the next meeting due to many unsure stuff.

3:36 pm



Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Chair: Kelly Chia

In Attendance
Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Kelly Chia (Employee Members Representative)
Angela Wachowich (At-Large Representative)
Emma Dunbar (At-Large Representative)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)
Marco Ovies (Editor-In-Chief_Guest)


Call to Order
1:02 pm

Approval of Agenda
Motion to approve by Pablo, Angela
All in favour

Approval of Past Minutes from June 08, 2020
Motion to approve by Pablo, Emma
All in favour

Financial updates
Yuri to present

Membership report
Yuri to present
56 members (include new members and exclude graduated members)

Open discussion of responding to Covid-19 in Fall
No sports section in Fall.
Motion to approve by Angela, Emma
All in favour

Decision on issue print and remote work
Doing min. print copies and try distributing them the first week. Change Deby’s work
condition on a request basis. Yuri to contact with Deby and report to board in Aug
Keep the remote work in fall, EIC will create a new system such as planning, trackers and
report to board in Aug.




Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Chair: Kelly Chia

In Attendance
Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Kelly Chia (Employee Members Representative)
Angela Wachowich (At-Large Representative)
Emma Dunbar (At-Large Representative)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)
Marco Ovies (Editor-In-Chief_Guest)


Call to Order
1:01 p.m.

Approval of Agenda
Motion to approve by Angela, Pablo
All in favour

Approval of Past Minutes from July 14, 2020
Motion to approve by Angela, Pablo
All in favour

Financial updates
Yuri to present

Fall Budget Approval
Motion to approve by Angela, Pablo
All in favour

Membership report
Yuri to present
56 members (include new members and exclude graduated members)

Updated discussion on responding to Covid-19 in Fall
Yuri to update on distributor work situation in Fall
-> Current Burnaby distribution coordinator has accepted the new work condition with request basis. Marco to update on new system with trackers and planners

Copy pay rising approval
From $350 to $365 per week, paying copy back from Spring 2020.
This item originally started from March, 2020.
Motion to approve by Angela, Pablo
All in favour

AGM 2020 schedule
Oct 14th, Wednesday, at 2:30pm

Meeting adjourned at 2:02pm

[/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Board Meeting Minutes Fall 2020″ tab_id=”1605562802595-f31c2f34-31c0″]

Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Chair: Kelly Chia

In Attendance
Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Kelly Chia (Collective Members Representative)
Meera Eradoga (Employee Members Representative)
Angela Wachowich (At-Large Representative)
Emma Dunbar (At-Large Representative)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)
Marco Ovies (Editor-In-Chief_Guest)


Call to Order
12:17 P.M.
Approval of Agenda
Pablo, Angela
All in favor
Approval of Past Minutes from August 12, 2020
Angela, Pablo
All in favor
Appoint new Collective and Employee Representatives

Financial updates
Yuri to present

Membership report
Yuri to present
(61 members included new members and graduate members)

Updated discussion on responding to Covid-19 in Fall
Update on biweekly paper distribution in October

Updates on Peak AGM 2020





Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Chair: Kelly Chia

In Attendance

Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Kelly Chia (Collective Members Representative)
Meera Eragoda (Employee Members Representative)
Angela Wachowich (At-Large Representative)
Emma Dunbar (At-Large Representative)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)


Call to Order
11:36 a.m.

Approval of Agenda
Angela, Pablo
All in favor

Approval of Past Minutes from September 24, 2020
Meera, Angela
All in favor

Financial updates
Yuri to present

Membership report
Yuri to present
(61 members included new members and graduate members)

Updated discussion on responding to Covid-19 in Fall & Spring, 2021
Keep work remote, but have sanitization and masks ready for some people to share the office if
Week 5 had a higher pickup rate than expected.
Promotion Coordinator for next semester discussion.

12:09 p.m.



Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Monday, November 16, 2020

Chair: Kelly Chia

In Attendance

Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Kelly Chia (Collective Members Representative)
Meera Eragoda (Employee Members Representative)
Angela Wachowich (At-Large Representative)
Emma Dunbar (At-Large Representative)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)
Marco Ovies (Editor-In-Chief_Guest)


Call to Order
1:01 p.m.

Approval of Agenda
Pablo, Angela
All in favor

Approval of Past Minutes from October 21, 2020
Pablo, Angela
All in favor

Financial updates
Yuri to present

Membership report
Yuri to present
(61 members included new members and graduate members)

Approval of updated Promotion Coordinator job description
Marco to lead a conversation
Meera, Angela
All in favor of updating Promotion Coordinator job description

Discussion of changes on the current contributor policy
Kelly to lead a conversation
To be continued and approved by next board meeting

Discussion of the style guide about ableist language
Marco to lead a conversation
Pablo, Emma
All in favor of adding this document to Peak style guide

Open discussion of pay raising for current Production Editor
Marco and Yuri to lead a conversation
Speak with current production editor and discuss in next board meeting

2:06 p.m.



Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Chair: Kelly Chia

In Attendance

Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Kelly Chia (Collective Members Representative)
Meera Eragoda (Employee Members Representative)
Angela Wachowich (At-Large Representative)
Emma Dunbar (At-Large Representative)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)
Marco Ovies (Editor-In-Chief_Guest)


Call to Order
12:13 p.m.

Approval of Agenda
Angela, Emma
All in favor

Approval of Past Minutes from November 16, 2020
Emma, Angela
All in favor

Financial updates
Yuri to present

Spring 2021 Budget Review

Membership Report
Yuri to present
(61 members including new members and graduate members)

Approval of Changes on the Current Contributor Policy
Kelly to lead a conversation
Pablo, Angela
All in favor

Open Discussion of Pay Raising for Features Editor
Marco and Yuri to lead a conversation
Draft a response to Features Editor about the board decision

1:22 p.m.

[/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Board Meeting Minutes Spring 2021″ tab_id=”1614035365507-a6e6c7ff-6769″]

Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Monday, January 18, 2021

Chair: Kelly Chia

In Attendance

Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Kelly Chia (Collective Members Representative)
Meera Eragoda (Employee Members Representative)
Angela Wachowich (At-Large Representative)
Emma Dunbar (At-Large Representative)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)
Marco Ovies (Editor-In-Chief_Guest)


Call to Order
12:02 p.m.

Approval of Agenda
Angela, Meera
All in favour

Approval of Past Minutes from December 15, 2020
Pablo, Angela
All in favour

Financial Updates
Yuri to present

Membership Report
Yuri to present
64 members

Open Discussion of Changes to Contributor Pay Policy for Features Articles
Marco and Kelly to lead a discussion
Discuss the current contributor pay policy with editors and return to Board in February if contributor pay policy needs amendments

12:34 p.m.


Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Monday, February 22, 2021

Chair: Kelly Chia

In Attendance

Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Kelly Chia (Collective Members Representative)
Meera Eragoda (Employee Members Representative)
Angela Wachowich (At-Large Representative)
Emma Dunbar (At-Large Representative)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)
Marco Ovies (Editor-In-Chief_Guest)


Call to Order

Approval of Agenda
Angela, Pablo
All in favour

Approval of Past Minutes from January 18, 2021
Emma, Pablo
All in favour

Financial Updates
Yuri to present

Membership Report
Yuri to present (68 members)

Employee Representative Items
Meera to present
i. Reinstate The Peak staff writing compensation policy and pay back from Summer 2020 semester
Meera, Angela
All in favour

ii. Yuri works on the direct deposit item and reports to board
iii. Yuri is sending an email to the current web manager. Hiring a web coordinator starting from Summer 2021.

Continue the discussion of Contributor Pay Policy
Marco to lead a discussion
Have a discussion to clarify multimedia contributors’ work and approve at the next meeting

Discussion of Board Policies
Kelly to lead a discussion
Kelly to work on updating the wording for the Anonymity and AV Materials policy and update to



Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Monday, March 22, 2021

Chair: Kelly Chia

In Attendance

Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Kelly Chia (Collective Members Representative)
Meera Eragoda (Employee Members Representative)
Angela Wachowich (At-Large Representative)
Emma Dunbar (At-Large Representative)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)
Marco Ovies (Editor-In-Chief_Guest)


Call to Order

Approval of Agenda
Angela, Emma
All in Favour

Approval of Past Minutes from February 22, 2021
Emma, Pablo
All in Favour

Financial Updates
Yuri to present

Membership Report
Yuri to present (68 members)

Employee Representative Items
Direct Deposit _ Yuri to present

Approval of Contributor Pay Policy
Kelly to present

Updates of Board Policies
Kelly to present
Put suggestions to update the editorial team writing compensation policy, AV policy, contributor pay policy, and anonymity policy.

Peak Space Updates
Yuri to lead a conversation
The current Peak space’s lease can be renewed, with conditions for repair and renovation for accessibility. Will discuss further with SFSS on repair and renovation. Will report to the Board for financial funding updates if necessary.

12:42 p.m.


Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Chair: Kelly Chia

In Attendance

Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Kelly Chia (Collective Members Representative)
Meera Eragoda (Employee Members Representative)
Angela Wachowich (At-Large Representative)
Emma Dunbar (At-Large Representative)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)
Marco Ovies (Editor-In-Chief_Guest)


Call to Order

Approval of Agenda
Emma, Angela
All in Favour

Approval of Past Minutes from March 22, 2021
Angela, Pablo
All in Favour

Financial Updates
Yuri to present

Summer Budget Review
Yuri to present

Membership Report
Yuri to present (68 members)

Employee Representative Items
Direct Deposit Report
This service would reduce cheque loss risks
We may be working remotely, but if we return to campus in Fall, we may return to pick up cheques in the office

Approval of Contributor Pay Policy
Kelly to present
Return to the interviewee section of the policy next month and reach out to multimedia editor about filming and editing portion of the policy

SSSS meeting updates
Anti-harassment training & policy draft interests
Yuri to present

Board Director Updates
Yuri to present

1:48 P.M.

[/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Board Meeting Minutes Summer 2021″ tab_id=”1623966477934-e7978832-8275″]

Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Chair: Kelly Chia

In Attendance

Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Kelly Chia (Collective Members Representative)
Meera Eragoda (Employee Members Representative / Editor-In-Chief)
Angela Wachowich (At-Large Representative)
Emma Dunbar (At-Large Representative)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)


Call to Order
12:06 P.M.

Approval of Agenda
Emma, Angela
All in Favour

Approval of Past Minutes from April 21, 2021
Angela, Emma
All in Favour

Financial Updates
Yuri to present

Membership Report
Yuri to present (72 members)

Layout Changes
Meera to present
Angela, Pablo
All in Favour

Approval of Contributor Pay Policy
Kelly to present
Emma, Angela
All in Favour

SSSS meeting updates
Anti-harassment training & policy draft interests

Website Manager discussion
Yuri to update job description

12:45 P.M.


Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Chair: Kelly Chia

In Attendance

Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Jacob Mattie (Collective Members Representative)
Kelly Chia (Employee Members Representative / Chair)
Angela Wachowich (At-Large Representative)
Emma Dunbar (At-Large Representative)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)
Meera Eragoda (Editor-In-Chief)


Call to Order

Approval of Agenda
Angela, Pablo

Approval of Past Minutes from May 12, 2021
Emma, Jacob

Welcome the new Collective Representative

Discuss Peak investments
Meera to lead discussion

Financial Updates
Yuri to present
Obtain investment report to review companies we are investing in

Membership Report
Yuri to present (74 members)

Back to the office plan in Fall
Consider adding portable heaters to the office
Reducing capacity in office, having a central location in the SUB for pitch meetings and continuing to host pitch meetings online
Discussed adding board members and some contributors to Slack




Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Chair: Kelly Chia

In Attendance

Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Jacob Mattie (Collective Members Representative)
Kelly Chia (Employee Members Representative / Chair)
Angela Wachowich (At-Large Representative)
Emma Dunbar (At-Large Representative)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)
Meera Eragoda (Editor-In-Chief)


Call to Order

Approval of Agenda
Angela, Jacob
All in Favour

Approval of Past Minutes from June 16, 2021
Jacob, Angela
All in Favour

Financial Updates

Membership Report
Yuri to present (74 members)

Back to the office plan in Fall (space update)
Yuri to lead the discussion
SFSS working on Peak lease renewal, to present with draft soon (ideally add maintenance and heating)
SFSS is working on the booking process for SUB, working on information for booking process
Everyone will remain remote, maybe we will have hybrid pitch meetings in the SUB dependent on the booking process

Discussion of Peak investments
Table this discussion for later information

Discussion of Copy Editor and EIC pay raise
Yuri and Meera to lead the discussion
Meera presented an updated job description for copy editor
Job description, working hours, and managerial role of EiC is currently intimidating considering the pay for EIC
Discuss increasing contributor pay at a later meeting

Motion to approve Copy Editor updated job description
Angela, Pablo
All in Favour

Motion to approve Copy Editor pay increase to 390 per week and Editor-in-Chief to 500 per week starting from fall 2021.
Jacob, Angela
All in Favour

Discussion of Editor transition
The transition might be easier in-person
Delegating more job duties to give staff ideas of what the work process is like?

12:13 PM
