Student Updates: Work hard now and reach your peak!

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ILLUSTRATION: Courtesy of The Peak

By: Hana Hoffman, Peak Associate

Say hello to February, SFU! Unfortunately, it’s not a leap year, so you all have one less day to catch up on assignments. With that being said, don’t procrastinate on reading these important student updates!


Motivation of the Month: Give up!

Already being inconsistent with your New Year’s resolutions? Still stuck on your January weekly readings? So are the rest of us! You fit right into SFU’s vibrant community of slackers and that’s something to be proud about! Don’t be conceited by turning this February into FebYOUary. Instead, think of others. Don’t make them feel bad about themselves by sticking to your goals. Give yourself a twenty-twenty high-five, sit back, and embrace mediocrity.

Looking For Actors — Dear Peakie: The Musical

Do you have a passion for asking Peakie questions? This is your chance to do that in real life, in real time, with Peakie on a big stage (maybe, we haven’t secured the venue yet)! Just a sneak peak, the storyline will be based on the backstory that started the mastermind Peakie’s questionanswering career. Sign up to be a part of Dear Peakie! Auditions will be happening all weekie 😉


February 7: National Periodic Table Day

O Mg, how Ge Ni U S! Enjoy this holiday as it only comes periodically.

February 10: National Umbrella Day

A day to appreciate how many times our umbrellas have saved us in rainy weather from catching a cold, having a bad hair day, and dissolving our homework in rainwater that seeped through our backpacks.

February 10: Ring Around the Reflection Pond Day

Join your fellow students in a giant lighthearted game of Ring Around the Rosie around the reflection pond. This free activity is held in collaboration with the department of history to reminisce on the historical period a long long time ago when plagues happened. 


Valentine’s Day: Is it romantic to cover anything in chocolate?

Who says we need to have a valentine in order to celebrate on February 14? All you need is chocolate! Chocolate-covered strawberries are the most well-known romantic treat, but should we stop there? This February, give chocolate-covered broccoli a try to be festive, while also getting in some fiber.

Poll Time: Starbucks or Tim Hortons?

We want to replace the last Renaissance standing with a generic, mediocre coffee shop that already has multiple locations on campus. So, we need the coffee lovers out there, to help us make this difficult decision. Who serves the better coffee? The chain that everyone thinks of when they hear the phrase “boycotts work?” or the chain everyone says “used to be good.” Vote for which place you like more overall!

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