SFU announces new restrictions following updated BC health orders

Everyone travelling to campus is being asked to use BC’s self-assessment tool

Photo Courtesy of Simon Fraser University via Facebook

Written by: Michelle Young, News Editor

With the new health orders announced for BC on November 7, SFU has followed regulations by updating their campus guidelines. Vice-President, Academic and Provost pro tem Jonathan Driver stated in an email that moving forward “staff, faculty, and students attending campus are required to conduct a self-assessment every day before they come to campus.” The email provided a link to the BC self-assessment tool, and stated that those who have possible symptoms are not to come to campus. 

Driver also stated that visitors are only permitted if they’re aiding “a core service” and must have “an invitation approved by a manager.” In-person courses will continue following protocols specific to each class. While study spaces remain open only for individual use, “common areas, including lunch rooms, are closed until further notice.” 

The email maintained that those on campus are expected to wear non-medical masks “in all indoor common areas” — which includes, entrances, hallways, staircases, washrooms, study spaces, dining areas, libraries, and “other high-traffic common areas where physical distancing cannot be maintained.”

Furthermore, “no in-person meetings, events or programs, except some essential academic meetings with approval, can proceed in-person during this time.” Driver also asked supervisors to have their staff work remotely, unless it is “related to [an] essential in-person service.”

The W.A.C. Bennett Library and Student Information Desk will “remain open with screening measures, physical distancing, and mask use in place.”

SFU Athletics & Recreation will consult with public health for guidance on updating their services. Find updated protocols on the SFU Athletics & Recreation website.

Driver concluded, “We thank everyone for doing their part to protect each other. If you become aware of safety protocols not being followed, you can report it anonymously.”

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