It won’t be a happy holiday unless we all do our part

Partying in a winter wonderland may prove harmful this year

Staying inside is the best way to prepare for the holiday season. PHOTO: Jonathan Borba / Unsplash

by Devana Petrovic, Staff Writer

The holidays are just around the corner, and while I’m sure everyone is just itching to dive into festivities after this shitshow of a year, it’s important that we keep a grasp on the current state of the world. Before going forward with those holiday parties or attending any form of large gathering, remember that following safety regulations for COVID-19 needs to be everyone’s priority this year. Otherwise, another lockdown may ruin our chances of having a “holly jolly” holiday season. 

BC’s recent surge in COVID-19 cases has been frustrating for many especially when we had flattened the curve significantly in the summer. Personally, it has been difficult to spend all my time at home without being able to see many of my closest friends. It’s even more difficult when others are acting like there isn’t a global pandemic. But, these are safety measures that are put in place to protect everyone’s health. As unfair as it may feel, all we can do now is join the fight against the virus by following the instructions given to us by health professionals. 

I can understand extenuating circumstances in which one may not entirely be able to stay home, such as people who require support outside their household, those with sick family members outside of town, or individual attendance of religious facilities. However, even in those instances, it is expected that the bare minimum of wearing masks and social distancing is at least followed.

I have no understanding for those who have chosen to party and intentionally disregard health regulations. Back in August, BC saw a rise in cases specifically due to outbreaks at parties, all of which are completely unessential during this time and only pose a serious health risk. To be completely direct, partying in these times is selfish and not worth it. 

It would be a shame if this year’s holiday season was jeopardized by another lockdown, especially considering the volume of annual traditions and events that have been either cancelled or hindered in some way this year by COVID-19. Frankly, it has been a stressful and boring year for everyone in the world, and having something close to a normal holiday is much needed. 

For some, this may be the only opportunity to see their family. For others, the holidays include the practice of annual sacred religious and cultural traditions. So, I don’t think it would be a stretch to say that the holiday season is very important to many, and going against regulations puts this opportunity at great risk.

We’ve flattened the curve before and we can certainly do it again. By keeping up to date with the latest regulations, staying home as much as we can, and wearing our masks when we need to be out, lowering the number of COVID-19 cases before the holiday season is something we should strive to do. We all need a little compassion for one another right now, and what better way to show it than to ensure everyone can safely enjoy that much loved ‘holiday cheer’ this year?

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