Top nine thoughts you had while participating in the Great British Columbia Shakeout


On October 16, residents across the province participated in the Great BC Shakeout, taking time to practice the three main steps for what to do during an earthquake: drop, cover, and hold on. With nothing to do but ponder under a desk for 60 seconds, here are the top nine thoughts you had during the Shakeout.

1. Gross. Who actually puts their gum under tables?
2. I wonder if anyone cute is ducking under this table.
3. Can you imagine being in a Jell-O factory during an earthquake?
4. How come they haven’t made any good disaster movies about earthquakes?
5. I miss Breaking Bad.
6. This drill is pointless. Earthquakes are the sort of thing that happen to other cities along the Juan de Fuca faultline. Not mine.
7. If something was already violently shaking before the earthquake, would it appear normal during one?
8. I just got the Pokemon move ‘Magnitude.’
9. I wonder what an earthquake looks like from space.

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