Your guide to some interesting events this week


Author: Zach Siddiqui, Humour Editor

Elections Canada

Canada’s election season is rapidly approaching, and SFU students have an early-access pass. On October 5–9 — that’s Saturday through Wednesday — students can vote at one of three locations at SFU Burnaby. Students can register in person at these stations, as long as they provide ID and proof of address/residence. Valid ID consists of a driver’s license, or card issued by a Canadian government with a photo, name and current address. Voters can also show any two pieces of ID with a name, where one of them has the current address.

“In 2015 we had 7000 people vote [at the advance polling stations], which is phenomenal” said Shina Kaur, SFSS VP University Relations. “We’re trying to break that this time, we’re [trying] to get even more people engaged, and even more people to vote.

You can find Vote on Campus stations at James Douglas Centre’s Safe Study Area, room 3000 in the Academic Quadrangle, or the third floor of West Mall. Stations close at 9 p.m. Monday through Wednesday.


Dreaming of bagpipes again? You must be either a precognitive or a veteran SFU student, because it’s that time of year again: SFU’s fall 2019 convocation ceremony.

Ceremonies will run in Convocation Mall on Thursday, October 10, and Friday, October 11. Thursday’s ceremonies will celebrate the Faculties of Applied Sciences; Communication, Art and Technology; Health Sciences; and Arts and Social Sciences. On Friday, students will convocate from the Beedie School of Business and the Faculties of Science, Education, and Environment. 

If you’ve been invited to attend the ceremony to support a graduate, SFU advises you to arrive and seat yourself “well before the procession begins.” Students who do not plan to attend may want to prepare for especially crowded human traffic jams in the AQ.

How to Manage Stress + Pot Painting and Colouring

This Thursday, SFU International Services for Students is hosting “How to Manage Stress,” a midweek event featuring a full spread of activities to help alleviate student stress.

Happening mainly in rooms 2290 and 2292 in Maggie Benston Centre, the day’s itinerary includes pot-painting, colouring, and a peer dialogue session on the origin of stress. After the main event concludes, attendees may retire to room 2013 in the AQ — better known as the Global Student Centre — to chill with Mello the goldendoodle. According to the Eventbrite page, “he will give you lots of furry snuggles to help you de-stress.”

The event is free, but students who want to participate should register ahead of time on Eventbrite or on SFU’s event page.


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