Summer Expectations vs. Reality

Eh, I can always do it next year


By: Nathaniel Tok

Every spring, when I see the sun for the first time since September, I become hopeful and start brainstorming ways to use the summer season wisely. Alas, those ideas remain ideas. But in my defence, making worthy excuses and alternatives takes effort too.

1) Expectation: Do the Grouse Grind and go hiking. The Lower Mainland has so many nice mountains to hike, and I have lots of inspirational quotes ready to post next to pictures of my hikes.

In reality: I’m gonna climb the stairs to Saywell Hall and consider it my exercise for the day.

2)  Expectation: Ride my bike around the Seawall at Stanley Park and watch the sunset there.

In reality: I’m going to watch YouTube videos of people biking the Seawall, and I’ll change my computer’s wallpaper to a sunset.

3) Expectation: Go to the Granville Island Farmers’ Market to find fresh, wholesome, organic ingredients with which to cook good food for myself.

In reality: I’m going to buy the expensive instant ramen, and pretend it’s better than the cheap stuff.

4) Expectation: Go to the Pemberton Music Festival.

In reality: Pemberton is just so far. . . I’m just going to create a new playlist on Spotify. It sounds like a good way to procrastinate.

5) Expectation: Check out a Whitecaps game and get some soccer games going with friends.

In reality: Playing FIFA online on Xbox counts as playing soccer with friends, right?

6) Expectation: Watch the Celebration of Light at English Bay.

In reality: Running experiments in my chem lab is basically the same thing as a firework show, right? Just different types of exothermic reactions….

7) Expectation: Go for the Canada Day celebration at Canada Place to celebrate being Canadian.

In reality: I’m pretty sure eating five boxes of maple cream cookies during Canada Day counts as celebrating being a Canadian.

8) Expectation: Go to the Richmond Night Market and sample the many different types of Asian culinary delights.

In reality: SFU has plenty of different Asian food shops. . . that’s enough variety for me.

9) Expectation: Go snorkeling with seals.

In reality: Seals are basically like dogs of the sea; I’ll throw my dog into a lake and swim with him.

10) Expectation: Do the Scotiabank Half Marathon.

In reality: I’ll probably walk 21 km in total over the entire four months of my summer. I paid for my U-pass and I’m going to use it. I should be paid to run, not the other way around.

11) Expectation: Making a list of things to do for the next summer.

This one I’ll actually do, since I just copy this year’s list into next year’s. Great job accomplishing this task! Time for a six-hour break!

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