Four films to put SFU’s snow crisis into perspective

SFU might have been snow covered and students might have been stuck on campus, but at least nobody had to sleep in a tauntaun.

SFU Burnaby had suffered an endless onslaught of snow. Classes were cancelled and snow and ice blocked routes that students normally took to reach their destinations. Despite the hills of white, the slush that covered our every step, and the AQ pond being a frozen tundra of its previous self, we’re still way better off than some places (even if most of them are fictional). As proof, here are four films with snow or winter weather conditions far worse than what we could ever experience on campus.

The Day After Tomorrow

Nothing says doom in this film like big tornadoes and snow storms that devastate cities. Be glad that we’ve never experienced weather phenomena as dangerous as those in this film. Unlike what people had to do in The Day After Tomorrow, we won’t need to burn books to stay warm. Starbucks and Tim Hortons has us covered. We may have a frozen pond and piles of snow everywhere, but better that than a snowstorm that will freeze you (and most of the northern hemisphere) to death.

Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

It gets cold on campus, but our snow conditions can never be as cold or hostile as what Luke Skywalker suffered on the planet Hoth. Unlike us, Luke didn’t have heated buildings for refuge. He not only had to spend time inside a tauntaun, but also hallucinated about a dead Jedi master during a snowstorm. Let’s be eternally grateful that we won’t ever experience what Luke went through on Hoth. It may be slightly chilly on campus, especially from past weeks due to the snow, but remember this: Luke had to keep warm using a freshly killed tauntaun as a sleeping bag.

The Huntsman: Winter’s War

If there’s one film from last year that demonstrated the power of ice in a fantasy world, it’s this one. Our campus was no stranger to ice and its slippery reputation. On the bright side, at least our ice wasn’t due to the sorcery of a snow queen. Slipping on ice is a pain, but it’s better to face the prospect of slipping on ice and slush around campus in our natural world than to face the dangers of magical ice in an enchanted realm.


This film proved there was no better way to protect humanity from the dangerous snowy conditions of the outside world than to have it cooped up inside a moving train while under an oppressive social class system. So, don’t fret too much over our snow. As frigid as it could get on campus, we could still go outside and get where we needed to go. SFU might have had its off days, given the snow’s unwelcomed visit and the annoying slush we’ve recently had, but at least we won’t be stuck in a dirty and confined dystopian society like the people in this film.

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