A definitive ranking of every Starbucks near SFU’s Vancouver campus


When it comes to leading the student life, a good cup of coffee can mean the difference between life and death — or maybe it just feels that way sometimes. Regardless, your daily caffeine intake should never be something you compromise on. That’s why The Peak is providing you with this go-to guide for the best Starbucks within walking distance of SFU’s downtown Vancouver campus. Which location has the best music? The worst drinks? The tastiest generic oatmeal raisin cookies? Read our picks below!

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5. 700 W Pender Street: Coming in last place is the Starbucks at West Pender and Howe Street. Making a half-decent Americano isn’t rocket science, but somehow the staff here just can’t get my go-to drink right. I’m also pretty sure all of their pastries come frozen and they just thaw them out the day before. This one is definitely my least favourite Starbucks to frequent in-between classes.

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4. 433 Seymour Street: Barely making it out of last place, the Starbucks at Seymour and Hastings could be worse, but it could certainly be a lot better. Americanos are okay but I’ve yet to have a good cup of fresh-brewed coffee here. Plus the décor inside feels a bit inauthentic with all the nondescript artwork and furniture. Not a bad last resort — as long as it’s a last resort.

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3. 601 West Cordova: Finally, we’re getting to the good stuff. The iced drinks at the Starbucks inside of Waterfront Station are consistently great and their hot beverages are pretty good too. My main critique would have to be the music they play. If I wanted to listen to rudimentary coffee shop jazz and Michael Bublé albums, I’d spend more time at home with my family.

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2. 802 West Hastings Street: The Starbucks at West Hastings and Howe Street has got a winning combination: wide selection in freshly baked goods, damn good hot teas, and not one, not two, but three customer bathrooms. The tumblers and coffee mugs they sell are also miles ahead of the merchandise you’ll find at other Starbucks. Unfortunately the barista spelled my name wrong once so there was no way this location could be number one on our list.

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1. 600 Dunsmuir Street: You had to have known it was coming. Yes, the absolute best Starbucks within walking distance of SFU’s downtown campus is the one located on Seymour and Dunsmuir Street. Everything about this shop is so on point. The best hot chocolate I’ve ever had, the best reduced-fat banana chocolate chip coffee cake, and the best head office-approved playlist in town. Some people might tell you that this location’s tap water needs more classic syrup added to it, but they’re just being finicky. Five out of five stars!

What do you think of our ranking? Agree or disagree? Let us know by tweeting @PeakSFU!

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