Board Shorts


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Napping space reconsidered

Build SFU general manager Marc Fontaine asked the board of directors to reconsider the inclusion of a napping room in the Build SFU space programme. 

Fontaine explained that the decision passed last week — to replace one of the smaller suites in the SUB with a napping room — was troublesome because it would sit across from the proposed workshop space.

Board amended their decision, deciding to replace one of the larger suites with a napping room instead.

SFSS Shorts

Board tasked Shirin Escarcha, communications, art, and technology representative, to work with the executive director and the Communications Office to pursue a new multimedia segment called SFSS Shorts.

The videos would present either condensed reports from board members or would be informational videos centered around SFSS initiatives.

Escarcha told the board that she hopes SFSS Shorts will fulfill the board’s goals of increasing the visibility and accessibility of the SFSS, as well as aligning the society’s services to the members’ needs.

The fraternity question

Board discussed the problems inherent with the Greek life support club, GRID, for over an hour at their July 22 meeting.

The club assists fraternities and sororities with renting tables at clubs days and rooms for recruitment meetings; however, fraternities and sororities are banned under university policy because of their exclusionary nature.

Board debated whether or not GRID itself fell under the exclusionary label, but could not reach a decision on what needed to be done concerning the issue, despite VP university relations, Moe Kopahi, insisting that a change was required lest their insurance costs be raised.

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