Board Shorts


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Build SFU Undergraduate Student Bursary

As part of the proposal to create a new student union building and stadium at SFU Burnaby, the SFSS will be implementing a bursary program to help undergraduate students who have demonstrated financial need.

Starting January 1, 2014, the SFSS will be charging a $10 new membership levy to all students, to increase by $10 every subsequent year until 2022. The levy will cover the costs of funding construction, maintenance, and utility fees. The board is putting three per cent of collected fees into the bursary, which is meant to reimburse students in financial need. Any surplus will be rolled over into the next semester.

Board members brought up concerns as to the small value of the bursary, which is set to match the levy (which currently stands at $10). Because students in need of financial assistance will most likely be applying for other bursaries, the decision was made to offer the Build SFU Bursary directly through Financial Aid and Awards.


Mediation Following Oct. 11 Incident

President Humza Khan gave an update on the progress of the mediation of the Oct. 11 incident between directors Monique Ataei and Moe Kopahi, reporting that Ataei met with mediator Paula Boddie for the first time over the weekend.

Khan also said that the terms of reference between the society and Boddie were still being drafted, as a point that was omitted has not yet been added. The particulars of the point were discussed in-camera.

External relations officer, Chardaye Bueckert, expressed concern about the pace of the investigation, pointing out that the incident occurred over a month ago. Khan agreed, and welcomed any help from other directors who may be able to offer it.


Independent Electoral Commission

The Board has opened nominations for the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), which “is the body responsible for ensuring that SFSS elections are free, fair, democratic, and honest, and that all candidates play by the same rules.”

As little interest has been shown thus far in the position of CEO, the board is planning to increase their advertising of the position through social media, the website, and an ad in The Peak.

The CEO’s term is set to begin on Dec. 1, 2013, after which the elected party will be responsible for recommending applicants for IEC commissioners, whom the Board of Directors appoints. According to the SFSS Policy Manual, advertisements for candidates for appointment to any position on the IEC, including the CEO, must be posted at least two weeks prior to the date of the board meeting on which appointments will be made.

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