University Briefs


By Graham Cook


Elections BC taps Emily Carr students to get more young people to the polls


Elections BC is hoping to reverse the trend of few young people showing up to vote in time for the May 2013 provincial election. They have partnered with Emily Carr University of Art and Design to create a new course titled, “Designing for Democracy.” In this class, students are able to get credit for putting together a campaign that encourages people aged 18 to 24 to vote. In the 2009 provincial election, just over one quarter of eligible voters in that age group voted, a contrast to the 54 per cent who voted of those aged 25 and up.


With Files from Canadian University Press



Controversial study suggests financial compensation for organ donors


The Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta and the University of Calgary conducted a study that concluded that people are likelier to donate an organ if they are given financial compensation. The study, titled “Attitudes towards Strategies to Increase Organ Donation: Views of the General Public and Health Professionals”, notes that almost half of Canadians that were surveyed approved the idea. This approval comes regardless of the fact that selling organs is against the law in Canada. The study was conducted using a web survey that targeted the public, health professionals, and those affected by kidney disease.


With files from The Capilano Courier



Robert Ploughman a symbol for gay men in the RCMP


Corporal Robert Ploughman is one of the first openly gay RCMP officers in Canada, a designation to which he brings humour. Ploughman first came out in 2001 while attending the RCMP academy and, since then, has accomplished a number of initiatives, including entering the BC RCMP into the Vancouver Pride parade,. At one point in his life, he considered joining the Catholic ministry, but realized he was homosexual after a visit to a St. John’s gay bar. Over the past decade, the number of openly gay officers has increased, a change, which could be attributed to a shift in attitude in the RCMP.


With files from The Ubyssey



Continuing Education Students’ Association at Ryerson hit with hefty legal fees


CESAR (Continuing Education Students’ Association at Ryerson) has had years of internal conflict and, just as it is trying to improve itself, has new legal challenges brought up against it. The group is facing legal bills in excess of $33,000, which were incurred by a former executive. Some of the bills resulted from members hiring lawyers to inquire how to go about impeaching someone, which was paid for with student fees. The fees totalled $33,311.04 for 2012, and around $25,000 for 2011. The normal amount for such fees is usually about $5,000.


With files from The Lance


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