SFU Continuing Studies adds new program


By Graham Cook

SFU continuing studies, which provides courses at night and on the weekend to people who are older than the typical university student, has added a new program.  The Certificate in Professional Coaching is the only program of its kind in the Lower Mainland to have an affiliation with the International Coaching Federation—which found in a 2012 study that the demand for such services has increased.

Kon Li of Career and Life Planning engineered the new program and spoke about it with The Peak. He mirrored the ICF’s assertion, saying, “This profession has been growing drastically in the last ten years.” Li said, “We’ve been thinking of developing this since 2009 . . . we are excited that the program is up after almost four years of preparation.” He added, “There is a need for this sort of training . . . this program will appeal participants in the Lower Mainland, who are looking for coach training in a face to face setting.”

This program will allow its graduates to achieve ICF coaching certification and covers various parts of the field. Li said, “The program covers three levels of coaching:  individual, team, and organizational system coaching. . . . Graduates of the program can work as an internal coach for an organization or as an external coach providing services for a fee. This program also can be a professional development program for work performance enhancement.”

The courses will cover topics including individual and team coaching, organizational systems coaching, narrative coaching, working with feedback, resistance to change, and leadership.  The program takes seven months to complete and will be held on a part-time basis.  Li described that “The program is filling up quickly,” and classes begin at the Harbour Centre campus on October 6.  They will be holding an information session at the same campus on September 12 at 5:30 pm.

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