Wanted: McFogg the Dog


By Graham Cook

SFU could soon have a new face behind the mascot McFogg the Dog. The athletics department, which recently took over the handling of mascot duties from Student Services, put out a call for applications with a deadline of August 3.
The position comes with a pay rate of $10.50 per hour and will require the employee to be available for anywhere five to 20 hours per week. According to the application, the duties include “Enjoy[ing] the job and hav[ing] fun!” as well as “provid[ing] a fun and entertaining atmosphere for the various members of the community who enter our sports venues.” The job is not all fun and games however, as they will also have the responsibility of “act[ing] professionally in all aspects of the job.” Qualifiers include being an SFU student and having knowledge of sports events. Previous mascot experience is also considered an asset.
Sports information director Ben Hodge spoke with The Peak about this veritable changing of the guard, stating, “with us moving in to the NCAA now it’s important to increase our environment at games . . . [switching from student services to the Athletics Department] seemed like a good way to evolve the program and mix it up.” He went on to state that they are looking for someone who “is ambitious. We want somebody who is going to interact with fans . . . students, general population, parents, and staff; anyone who wants to enjoy our events. . . . We want someone who is going to engage those people [and] make the games a more fun atmosphere.” Hodge also added that he wants McFogg the Dog to become a bigger part of the campus community. The mascot will also have a number of handlers to “get them water if they need water . . . and make sure they don’t get beat up.”
Those who wish to apply are asked to contact marketing and event coordinator Nick Sirski, though only those selected for interviews will be contacted.

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