Concert livestreaming shouldn’t end after the pandemic

This accessible option helps all fans listen to the music they love

Live music can be enjoyed from multiple venues. Image: Anthony Delanoix / Unsplash

By: Paige Riding, Copy Editor

Growing up in a small town, local concert announcements usually were for washed up ‘80s bands or Wiggles knockoffs. If I wanted to see an artist perform, it involved forking out the money for a plane ticket or driving eight hours to get to Vancouver. Now that the pandemic altered the concert experience and introduced livestreams, this inconvenience has disappeared. These livestreams allow more people to watch shows and enjoy the music that moves them.

Folks can watch their favourite drummer give an epic performance and listen to a singer belt with fervour, all while remaining in a comfortable, accessible environment away from the risks concerts pose. 

The good pair of headphones you bought to listen to your professor talk about neurons would sound a lot better with live music playing from them. With a cameraman recording the musicians closer than most of the audience could, the best seat in the house might just be on your La-Z-Boy at home. Why should this trend end after the pandemic? If it’s a way of allowing more people to listen to more music in ways that make them comfortable, I believe we’d be better for it.

This is not to say I won’t be heading to the Vogue or any other fantastic Vancouver venue as soon as my ears can be blasted by those huge speakers in person again. It’s quite the opposite since there’s nothing like screaming your favourite lyrics while jumping alongside other fans — but that’s just me saying this after almost two years without a concert. There are times at shows where your feet are aching, the jerk in front of you insists on holding their phone in your way the whole time, and you’re stuck in a long lineup when you really need to pee. If after my concert drought ends and I know a band is playing on the other side of town, the option to purchase a viewing pass and remain at home would be fantastic.

Livestreams are no replacement for live music. The artist is not in the same room as you. The crowd is not pushing against you, amping you up for the encore. It is, however, a way to help more people listen to more music in a way that makes them comfortable. What better way to help people feel like they can share in these experiences than to adapt from pandemic life and move forward?

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