Home Humour Join the Club: The Board Game Club

Join the Club: The Board Game Club


New to SFU? Missed clubs day? Finding it hard to make friends? Tired of sitting alone on Friday and Saturday night writing Link/Ganon slash-fiction? Well I’ll bet there’s a club that can take your mind off those dirty, nerdy thoughts! JOIN THE CLUB is a feature that showcases some of SFU’s lesser known clubs!

This Week we highlight the Board Game Club

Boasting a Monopoly on all things related to tabletop gaming, the BGC is one of the oldest clubs still in Operation at SFU. Club co-presidents and brothers Alex and Dean Parker preside over the clubs weekly meeting held in forum chambers, which regularly draw upwards of 30 people. Indeed, the club is currently the Pictionary of health. But this wasn’t always the case, as the Parker brothers describe the humble beginnings of their club.

“When we arrived at SFU as freshmen, there was no place for people to meet up over a good board game, so Guess Who had to start one? We did. Back then, starting a club was a bit of a bureaucratic mess, a real mad Scrabble for funding. In fact I recall we actually paid for the first board games out of our own Pay Day cheques, so it was actually quite a Risk. What if no one had come out? Our goal always was to Connect with the student body and we feel like we’ve accomplished that Four the most part. Since then we’ve been in the metaphorical Candy Land.”

“Sorry, if these jokes are a little Parcheesi,” they added.

By Gary Lim


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