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xx A LoNeLy Makeup Tutorial xx

PHOTO: Courtesy of The Peak

By: shy_kelly

Welcome back to another lonely makeup tutorial, broken hearts!i! Today, I am going to show you a lewk to mimic your inner soul . . . rawr xD! Make sure to put on some Paramore and get in touch with your teenage dirtbag cuz it’s about to get real. 

xx step one: the eyes are the window to my black soul xx

Take a black pencil liner and go over the top of your eyelids, making sure to go over the crease. You want to look like you have NO eyelids, just darkness. You can blend it out with a fluffy brush but I just use my finger because I think it makes it look more real. Make sure you also go over the bottom of your eye, too, I like to use liquid eyeliner here. This is because sometimes I blink and it looks like black tears which totally rox!!! 

Then apply da mascara! Long spiky black lashes are best. For an extra touch I like to shave the ends of my eyebrows to make them super thin, then draw them in with black liner. 

xx step two: skin xx

Did you know . . . o_o the skin is the biggest organ?!? You have to take care of it. For this lewk I will be using foundation but I think it is optional. Just go with what feels right that day. The eyes are the focus.

xx step three: DA HAAAAAAAIR xx

Here’s where you will want to take your hair and straighten it. The key here is lots and lots and lots of hairspray and a comb willing to go through your emo nest. You have to tease and tease and tease to make your hair poofy. Make sure you do this over your bangs so you can use your hair to be mysterious and cover your eyes :3 

Bonus tip: To complete the look, dye your hair black, but leave space so you can add in blue or read streaks. 

Now your lewk is all done!!!! Wear it with a black choker, chunky belts, some fingerless gloves and you are ready to go out to hell (AKA: the world) . . . we have cookies. 


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