Home Humour Majors in a minute: Health Sciences

Majors in a minute: Health Sciences

Illustrated by Carolyn Yip

Written by: Nathaniel Tok

Calling all confused students who like biology but not really! Is MBB too mainstream for you? Are you not sure if you want to be the BP or the K in BPK? Come on down to health sciences (HSCI) where you get to do everything!

There’s no course or area that HSCI students cannot get their greedy hands into. HSCI students study everything from physics to philosophy, statistics to sociology, and biomedicine to bioinformatics. You and your coursework will be pretty much the lost child of every other department in SFU.

Of course, you also get to study health care too. If successful, you’ll graduate with a BSc or BA. This will teach you to debate with others why Canada’s healthcare system could still improve in terms of providing dental surgical outpatient care to rural populations with demographics over 65 in Canada’s far north, all while still having no idea what the words “health sciences” really mean.

With such a wide range of coursework, students get to interact with faculty members and grad students from all over the world from all sorts of disciplines. You’ll also get to meet students with all sorts of aspirations as well, like the one with brown hair who wants to go to med school, the pre-med with grey eyes, the fifth-year honours student who’s applying to UBC for medicine and public health, the pre-med who wants to do medicine and epidemiology . . . Damn it! Oh well, at least you’ll represented by top student leaders from the Health Sciences Undergraduate Student Union (HSUSU) . . . even after you convocate, you’ll still have no idea how to pronounce that.

Be amazed at the HSCI’s home in the beautiful Blusson Hall which is made out of glass to absorb natural light. It also allows students to reflect on their own tearful faces after coming out of ECON exams. Or was it BISC? It doesn’t matter: you’ll get to cry over all of them!

The blessed Blusson Hall is located right outside the bus loop at UniverCity — all the better for you to find food and to be the first to run to the buses after class ends. You can roll to your 8:30 a.m. lab straight from the bus stop instead of running to the South Science Building like those poor souls in MBB. It’s that close!

P.S. We even have microwaves! No need to fight with the peasant students from other departments in the Maggie Benston Building for this exclusive privilege.


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